Monday, March 24, 2008

Kill an Islamist -- Vote McCain

Date Line March 24, 2008


Bush has the gall to deny wounded soldiers their healthcare, families of the killed their benefits and still claim "every single loss is tragic."

Come on kids! This crook lied and lied again – and continues to lie – about the basis for this invasion and the murder of nearly one million Iraqis. YES! The number of innocent Iraq’s citizens who have died is quickly approaching one million! Not that anyone in America really cares. After all, it is the “right to life” group who is cheerleading this right to kill, the right to MURDER those who do not follow a hypocritical path behind Christ.

Why hypocritical? For starters, Christ said that prisoners should be treated with respect. It was a major point of his in scripture. Yet here we see those who claim to be his followers – but clearly are not, but are those he said he would not know – swear allegiance and support to those who advocate torture, and block the moral among congressional leaders from passing a clear law against torture.

To commemorate their admission that the fourth thousand soldier has died – while systemically denying benefits to the families, or making them wait years in poverty before granting entitled benefits – Bush has proclaimed: "Our strategy going forward will be aimed at making sure that we achieve victory and, therefore, America becomes more secure" ...

DUH! Murdering fathers and mothers and leaving Iraqi children to hate America is into going to make us more secure.

Worse, this is not a war! And worse still – there is no basis, there is no condition, under which the end to this murder spree can be called a victory within any context the Administration or the neo-cons would be able to reasonably and logically define. There is no force on earth who can say to America, “enough, we surrender.”

We entered Iraq and gave al-Qaeda a training and recruiting ground. Al-Qaeda has attacked in Yemen. Are we in Yemen opposing them? Al-Qaeda has attacked in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Indonesia – can we stop them? Can we give them a reason to proclaim “Hold! Enough!”?

Or will al-Qaeda just restructure and expand? Will the name of Bin Laden be raised to the stature of an Islamic deity, and his legions become historic forces throughout the coming centuries?

What is to stop it? Who will put an end to hatred which grows with every innocent who dies? Will the Iraqi people cheer a century without power, without basic comforts they had known under Saddam?
The evils of Saddam, whatever they were – and we supported many of the to the point of selling, or giving, him the tools – will those actions that were approved of by as many of the Iraqi as were subject to their effect prove to be as well remembered as the running water and reliable electric? Will it be as well remembered as the religious freedom? Will it be as well remembered as the deceased and longed for family member killed by American soldiers having fun taking pot-shots at eighty year old ladies driving their car home? What will be remembered when the father sees his young son bleeding in the street?

What will be remembered when the young boy see his father killed when he runs to the side of the son bleeding in the street? ONE MILLION DEAD shall leave many millions to hate. The hate will be toward those who invaded and destabilized their nation. The hate will be toward those who allowed al-Qaeda entry into their nation; and they will remember that it was al-Qaeda which proclaimed the desire to see Saddam dead; and it was America that answered the al-Qaeda call.

Tell me how we can have ‘Victory”. PLEASE! Tell me how victory can be gained by staying longer and killing more of their children. Is there a victory to be gained in the death of more of our children? Is there victory in spending $5,000 a second to murder civilians? We most certainly are not murdering Bin Laden or the al-Qaeda leadership ... they aren’t even where are military are. They are safe, sound and, in the case of Bin Laden himself, receiving better medical care than Bush will allow those are fighting, are doing, or instigating, the murders he is cheerleading.
KILL A MILLION MORE - vote McCain or Clinton

Friday, March 7, 2008


Date Line March 7, 2008

OK, so I am avoiding working on the book by writing blogs. OK, I admit it; but I’m really pissed at the WAR thing.

We are NOT AT WAR – a war requires that we have an identified enemy; and that they be capable of being defeated. Defeat is signified either by their annihilation (genocide), or their ability to sign a truce, armistice, or surrender.

If Al-Qaeda were to be destroyed, would that mean there would be a cessation of Islamic terrorist activities? Would that put an end to groups like Hamas? Or any of the other terrorist organizations around the world?

If Al-Qaeda were to cease activities and its membership reform under other names; or if Bin Laden would succumb to the medical problems which require him to receive dialysis, would we have won the “war”?

Since we are in Iraq, and Bin Laden is in Pakistan, can we even hope to capture him, or end his organization? And since, allegedly, the government of Pakistan is our friend, and since Bin Laden is in need of higher sophisticated medical care – requiring vast amounts of power, sterile conditions, specialized medical equipment, and the care or supervision of skilled professionals – how come we cannot find him? We cannot find a hospital in a primitive village? We cannot find a reliable power source in a region devoid of reliable power?

Exactly how incompetent are or spies, satellites, and military? It is very apparent that the evidence points to them being useless. They cannot identify and follow sophisticated medical products or personnel to a remote cave in an effectively unpopulated region? Just how stupid are these people and why are we paying them? OR, are they under orders from the Whitehouse NOT to find Bin Laden?

In any event – how can we win a war which is not a war; a war in which there is no opposing force for our military to attack? Do we hope to out wait them? Terrorism has always been the action of malcontents or ideologues – a hundred years ago they were called anarchists.

Their name has changed, but not their function or the reality of their existence. How do we win this non-war war? John McCain wants to exit with honor. Is there honor in defeat? Is there honor in the stupidity of destroying ones own nation so as not to look bad to oneself? We already look bad to anyone with even half a brain. (And if you don’t get it, if you don’t see it, you are brainless).

We are the Light Brigade, the 600 attacking canon through a valley too narrow for the opponent to miss us. The problem, our “opponent” has simply said what they want to do – figuratively kill the Light Brigade – and, in absolute obedience, the Light Brigade Generals turned the own canons upon themselves and their own troops.

Oh that someone will see the courage and write a poem.