Tuesday, December 26, 2023

The FOUR SISTERS and how they connect every POTUS


We like to deny reality, but it still exists.  Every POTUS has been a Cousin to every other POTUS.  The only exception is Martin Van Buren and that exists because we have no genealogy before 1500 to make the connection with.  Though it is known the Van Buren surname has been connected to various noble lines that could tie into the relevant family tree.  But, without their connection to Martin, it isn't worth tracking them back.

For the United States of America, the 2024 election is a major factor in the future of the nation.  Biden is a Crook, and Trump is the target of endless attacks that allow Congress to avoid its responsibilities to the people who elected them.

We are seeing corrupt Prosecutors and Judges invoke laws without evidence and even dismiss the evidence of expert witnesses who say that Trump behaved within the law.

Comically, these experts are often the same ones the Prosecution has used in its own cases and those same judges were happy to accept.

The Constitution is under attack by those who fear a second Trump term.  The civil rights and liberties of every citizen are under attack by the prosecutors, who now declare there need to be no victim or complainant for the crime they alleged to be brought for fines and civil restitution to be sought.  There need be no crime for them to impose the penalty designated for those proved beyond a shadow of a doubt to have committed the crime.

American FREEDOM and LIBERTY are under attack -- and half the nation is cheering it.  But then, a sizable portion of the nation's women and the LGBTQ community have come out in support of HAMAS -- a group that murders LGBTQ, when it isn't raping and mutilating women.  Half the nation wants to be raped, mutilated, and murdered if it means the death of any Jews, Christians, and Muslims who accept the right of Israel to exist.

 It is now 26 DECEMBER 2023 ... the clock is ticking -- be warned it's attached to a BOMB that goes off after March 2033.

The November 2024 election will determine if you are a safe distance from that bomb, or sitting on top of it.



Friday, December 15, 2023

Old Age is weird

 Here's what there is... people die.

I had two dads, one adopted an one biological.  I wrote a book about my adopted grandfather then about me and mentioned them without noticing a reality.

My dad had a heart attack when my oldest daughter was born -- they were on different floors in same hospital -- he was 66 years old.

My biological father had a heart attack when he was 66 years old.  He was about 12 years younger than my dad.  Both men died when they were seventy-seven years old .... after living almost the exact same number of says between events.

I didn't realize it until I was seventy-eight...and never had a heart attack.  I'm now in my eightieth year and all I can do is occasionally get drunk and wonder why my kids don't have kids.  Then I think of their mother's lines and realize at least two came from lines that were dying out.

Being in my eightieth year places my birth in the middle of World War Two, and living through the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and all the related nonsense that said I should be dead.  As dead as a few family members and a few kids I knew as a child ... and as dead as so many I knew growing up.  And having out lived two women of the four who have been a major part of my life.

Yet here I lay, thinking about being old and wondering if I want a third drink.

My sleep music is on, things are quiet, and I'm writing when I'm not talking to myself.

Events are getting interesting.  But time flies by and the days pass so fast... It is strange to have made it this long.  And to wonder if I can reach the century mark...or maybe the Biblical 120. 

What will tomorrow bring?

Saturday, November 11, 2023

HAMAS wants to kill Jesus and all Christians

I asked ChatGPT what is a ZIONIST, and here's what the AI responded: 

Zionism is a political and ideological movement that emerged in the late 19th century, advocating for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in the historic Land of Israel. The term "Zionist" is commonly used to refer to individuals who support the idea of a Jewish state in Israel.

The roots of Zionism can be traced back to the rise of nationalism in Europe during the 19th century. Theodor Herzl, a Jewish journalist and political activist, is often regarded as the father of modern political Zionism. In 1897, he convened the First Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland, where the World Zionist Organization was established with the goal of creating a national home for the Jewish people.

Zionism gained momentum, particularly in the context of Jewish persecution and anti-Semitism in Europe. After World War I, the League of Nations granted Britain a mandate to administer Palestine. The Zionist movement played a crucial role in the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948.

It's important to note that the term "Zionist" can have different connotations for different people. While some use it to describe a political ideology advocating for the Jewish homeland, others use it pejoratively or to criticize specific policies associated with Israel. The discussion around Zionism can be complex and touch on political, historical, and religious aspects.

I then asked it: "There is a prophecy of Jesus returning and the Temple being rebuilt are they related?" And this is what I was told:

The idea that the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem is related to a prophecy about the return of Jesus is rooted in certain interpretations of Christian eschatology (the study of end times). This belief is often associated with dispensationalist theology, which emerged in the 19th century and gained popularity in some evangelical circles.

In Christian dispensationalism, it is believed that certain events, including the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem, are necessary precursors to the Second Coming of Jesus. This interpretation draws on various biblical passages, including those from the Old and New Testaments. For example, in the New Testament, Jesus himself makes reference to the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem and its subsequent rebuilding (Matthew 24:1-2).

Some Christians interpret these passages, particularly those found in the Book of Revelation, as indicating that the rebuilding of the Temple will be a significant event in the end times. They believe that it will be followed by the return of Jesus and the establishment of a new era.

It's important to note that interpretations of these prophecies vary among Christians, and not all Christians subscribe to dispensationalist views. Additionally, within Judaism, the idea of rebuilding the Temple is often approached from a different perspective, and there are various opinions on the significance and timing of such an event within Jewish eschatology.

It's always important to recognize that interpretations of religious texts can vary, and beliefs about prophecies and end times are diverse even within the same religious tradition.

Now comes the fun.  If the Temple is to be rebuilt, it must be by the Israeli Jews -- Muslims have no reason to build it, and Christians have made no effort to do so.  Even if Christians did, it would not be the Hebrew Temple designed by David, built by Solomon, destroyed and rebuilt only to be destroyed again by the Romans.  Christians would build some kind of Church, and there are already churches.

The Temple would have to be on the Temple mound and, as we know, Muslims will not allow that.  So, I again asked ChatGPT about who is believed to be the builders.  And, this is some of the answer I received (other parts were just contextual repeats of the previous answer):

In Jewish tradition, the rebuilding of the Temple is a complex and nuanced topic. The construction of the Third Temple, as envisioned by some, would involve various religious, political, and practical considerations. Some Jews and religious groups hold the belief that the Messiah will play a role in the rebuilding of the Temple.

The question of who would be involved in building a potential Third Temple in Jerusalem is subject to differing beliefs and interpretations within religious communities. Let's explore perspectives from both Christian and Jewish traditions:

1. Christian Perspectives (specifically dispensationalist views):

In some Christian dispensationalist traditions, believers may anticipate the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem as part of an end-time prophecy. According to these interpretations, it is not Christians who physically build the Temple but rather a scenario that unfolds as part of eschatological events. Some adherents of these beliefs associate this event with the period preceding the Second Coming of Jesus.

2. Jewish Perspectives:

In Jewish tradition, there are various views on the rebuilding of the Temple. Some Jews, particularly those within the religious and nationalist movements, may see the rebuilding of the Temple as a significant goal. The responsibility for building the Temple is not typically assigned to an external group like Christians. Instead, it is often seen as a collective Jewish endeavor.

Some Jews who hold Messianic beliefs might associate the rebuilding of the Temple with the coming of the Messiah, and in these perspectives, it is the Messiah who is expected to play a role in the rebuilding.

It's important to note that the political and religious dynamics surrounding the Temple Mount are complex, and there are differing opinions even within the Jewish community regarding the timing and circumstances of rebuilding the Temple.

In summary, Christian perspectives often view the rebuilding of the Temple as part of end-time events, whereas in Jewish perspectives, it may be seen as a goal for the Jewish people, potentially associated with Messianic expectations. It's crucial to recognize the diversity of beliefs within these broad religious categories.

Thus we see ChatGPT evaded the actual answer while fingering that it falls on the Jews.  But Hamas has a charter dedicated to the murder of all Jews everywhere, and they amended it to focus on Zionists around the world.  If it is "a national home for the Jewish people," and thus it is the Jews who build the Temple, then it would seem that all Christians who believe in the return of Jesus are ZIONISTS because the Jews are the ones who build the Temple in their "national home" -- "the Land of Milk and Honey" that God gave to them and promised they would have until... the verse in Genesis 17:7-8  "I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants after you for the generations to come, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you. The whole land of Canaan, where you now reside as a foreigner, I will give as an everlasting possession to you and your descendants after you; and I will be their God." 

So?  If it is an "everlasting covenant" it cannot end -- the Jewish people cannot be eradicated and neither can the Zionists.  Yet HAMAS wants to bring it to an end -- and if there is a God the only way to do that is to exterminate the God of Israel.  That means erasing Jews and Christians from existence and from the history books.

The River to the East and the Sea to the West are the Longitudinal Boundaries given to Moses.  So, when Hamas teaches its supplicants to chant “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free, or  “Palestine will be free from the river to the sea.” Their signature slogan is shorthand for the erasure of the Jewish state and everyone in it. ” it is having them say they are going to steal the land given by God to Moses and the Israelites.

Palestine is the Roman name for Israel.  The River to the Sea is the divine boundary of Israel.  Hamas is therefore taking the gift God gave and said would be eternal. 

All who chant the HAMAS chant are declaring that they are the sworn enemy of God.

For an Atheist, that's not an issue.  The Atheist who chants with Hamas is simply saying they want to commit genocide -- their victims shall be all religious Christians and Jews. 

Ah but now we know why World War Three will come -- it will require nuclear weapons and nation-states who do not believe in any God or deny the Western Religious concept of God.

World War Three shall be brought about by Iran, Russia, China, and nations yet to be identified.  The date has been estimated in "Seven Defines Your Life while Nineteen Controls You: World War Three in 2033" 

Ideally, nobody will reference the book, the timeline, or the established historical pattern it is based on.  In the most ideal of worlds, we enter or continue to live in, the Orwellian World of 1984, the people who support Hamas will prove to be like those who supported Hitler and the Nazis at BUND MEETINGS in the 1920s and 30s.

World War Three will occur on schedule -- presumably, the United States will see it when the Oval Office is occupied by POTUS49. 


Friday, November 10, 2023

HAMAS is smarter than "liberals" and "atheists" so ensures WW3 in 2033

Well the me book is out, in e-book format.  The paperback and hardcover should be available by Sunday, 13 November.

Hamas has proved brilliant.  They know you must be told to be held responsible, so they told everyone what their goal is.

1. In their charter the stated their purpose was genocide of Jewish people.  They changed that to add Zionist -- so Jews, Christians, atheists, and Muslims who believe in Israel as a divide gift per Bible and Qur'an, or just as a recognized nation since 1948...all are to be killed.

2. They adopted a chant "From the river to the sea, Palestine shall be free".  What the fools don't understand is that they are describing the east and west borders of the land promised Moses and bestowed upon the Israelites 3300 years ago.  The Egyptians even cited Israel's existence 3225 years ago.

Atheists shut their brains when the bible is mentioned, so we have the charter.

Those who actually read the bible, or did a Google or ChatGPT search, know the chant is from the Bible boundary description and God promised the sun would go out before the Jews were denied their Land of Milk and Honey defined by those borders.

Hamas has declared war on GOD, and all who chant the chant have done so too.

Atheists have it easy, they're just supporting genocide -- that would include them.  Those who claim to believe in a God are declaring war on the god of the old testament.  Those who claim Jesus is that God are declaring war on him.

No matter what happens, Iran is funding those who have declared a genocidal war.  Joe Biden has made it a point to ensure Iran is well funded, and has also provided resources to quell and unrest among the Gaza residents that might be directed toward Hamas.

In 2024, America votes for additional support for Hamas.  It votes for those who chant " From the river to the sea" and those who give aid (in any form) to Gaza.  It votes against GOD if it votes for those who criticise Israel for behaving as America did after Pearl Harbor.

We have NINE YEARS before World War Three.  China sides with Iran, we fight for or with Taiwan and the Philippines, we fight Iran and the Shitte nations.  We duplicate the Second World War, but we need to crash the economy first...we've been working on that since Reagan and Bush is doing an excellent job of finishing things.

Be sure to vote in 2024 -- we already know you'll vote to destroy America and ensure WW3.  So have at it, or prove me wrong... We'll know for sure by 2037.


Sunday, November 5, 2023

Hamas is predicted Satanic army of World War Three

 After WW3 we will be one.

The Bible is a structured document with many things hidden in plain sight.

In the Bible, we are told of the Days of Creation -- at a time before the Earth was created and before the sun was created, there were "days". But a day is a rotation of the earth on its axis and is related to the sunlight, so the DAY is not a DAY as we use it. Then Adam is created and we are told it is the First Year.

We can begin with the Story of Adam & Eve, which is not "Creation" but reflects the acquisition of KNOWLEDGE about 6000 years ago. Adam & Eve are the first family with Knowledge and all with knowledge descend from them. Science has established there were other humans, but they did not have the knowledge the Sumerians had 6000 years ago. It is their knowledge that initiated the calendar and yielded all we know today. EVERYONE is descended from them.

Move forward in time and we have a period when outside DNA is introduced by "The Sons of God" who become the "Men of Renown". From there, things seem to go downhill and we get to the FLOOD story.

Noah's arc was symbolic: The Flood is 1657 years after Adam & Eve and kills all life. Those who are alive today, whether we know their line or not, are one family descendants of the same parents and their sons and the wives of those sons. That is the story -- erase and start anew.

Everything in Scripture goes to family and a joint relationship between people.

The exodus identifies the leadership of the Israelites or Jews, the tribes are A way of saying one family each line with A different branch or ancestor of a common line. Mose is born 2375 years after Adam -- in the Gregorian Calendar, about 1387 BCE; we know from Egyptian texts that a people called Israel existed about 1200 BCE. The Bible says the land between the River and Sea was given to them and that they were to kill everything that breathed -- which is what happened with Noah and we know both to be symbolic of a time of change, not literal death.

The story of the tribes and their inheritance land or territory serves to absorb, without change, those who lived in the region. They are now told they have a common ancestor and so are one family.

This allows those in the larger region to be absorbed without change into it as a common people, one nation, twelve states...with a 13th state composed of the leadership and the marriage laws create a path for each state to add representation to that leadership through the marriage of the most intelligent into the leadership families. In effect, it breeds intelligence and leadership -- which is a logical method for people known in Egypt as The Shepherd Kings who ruled for 120 years {until they were deposed by violent idiots}.

The flood destruction was echoed in the "kill everything that breathes" so, as with the flood, every insect, wild creature, or person within the territory, after it is occupied, has a common origin story.

As mentioned, we know from the Egyptians that Israel, as a people, existed at least 3225 years ago -- this eliminates the claims of the Palestinians, whose identity came into existence after 1890 -- we have the records of Mark Twain's visit and others, that the land had no people before the Zionist Jews came to reclaim the land and restore what had existed in the time when the Romans destroyed everything and -- as an insult -- named the territory Palestine, which was a bastardization of Philistine.

The Philistines were an ancient people who lived in the region known as Philistia – located on the southwestern coast of the ancient Levant, in what is now modern-day Israel and the Gaza Strip. Philistines are believed to have been sea-faring people who migrated to the region from the Aegean or other parts of the eastern Mediterranean around the 12th century BC. Their cities included Gaza, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Ekron, and Gath. They spoke a poorly-documented language, and the Philistines frequently clashed with the Israelites {as in David and Goliath}. They worship the god Dagon and vanished from history – possibly becoming a Tribe of Israel by the time Solomon built the First Temple.

The scripture defines their region or territory of Israel as "the river to the sea" and uses other markers to establish the North deputy boundaries. The verses in Numbers 34 and Ezekiel 47 describe the territory.

This is ISRAEL from Ezekiel 47:15-20: 15 “The boundary of my land extends to the Mediterranean Sea. In the north, it runs from the Hethlon road past Lebo Hamath to Zedad,

16 Berothah and Sibraim (which lies on the border between Damascus and Hamath), as far as Hazer Hattikon, which is on the border of Hauran.

17 The boundary will extend from the sea to Hazar Enan, along the northern border of Damascus, with the border of Hamath to the north. This will be the north boundary. 18 “On the east side, the boundary will run between Hauran and Damascus, along the Jordan between Gilead and the land of Israel, to the eastern sea, and as far as Tamar. This will be the east boundary. 19 “On the south side, it will run from Tamar as far as the waters of Meribah Kadesh, then along the Wadi of Egypt to the Mediterranean Sea. This will be the south boundary. 20 “On the west side, the Mediterranean Sea will be the boundary to a point opposite Lebo Hamath. This will be the west boundary.

The Hamas-Palestinians {who are Arabs claiming to be Philistines} are citing scripture in their chant, they are claiming to be the true Israelites.  But they would, in terms of REVELATION be the forces of Satan attacking the word of god and his gift to Israel of that territory outlined in the scripture.

REVELATION has this the time of Satan and so those who rape and murder women, behead their children, and slaughter Muslims and Jews at music festivals are not gods people, they are Satan's...these doers of evil have conned LGBTQIA+ and feminists into supporting them. But, if Hamas-sudo-Philistines manage to win, their Charter makes it clear they will attack the European nations where they have found support, and kill those who support them.

Iran represents Satan -- China and Russia seem to be joining forces with Satan. Their goal is a form of dictatorial capitalism that rules the world. If they are victorious, they will destroy Iran and then attack each other ... there can be only one.

The scriptural goal is one world, one people, and everyone caring for their neighbor as they would themself...or as they would want to be cared for if they could not care for themselves.

For those chanting RIVER TO SEA, enjoy serving Satan and causing World War Three.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

TRUMP NYC Case Faces Dishonest Judge Engoron

To have jurisdiction, a court must have authority over the subject matter of the case.  And, the property involved must be located in the area under the court's control.

If banks are granting loans, the issue is, who has oversight jurisdiction?

According to a CRS Report to Congress paper entitled: "Who Regulates Whom? An Overview of U.S. Financial Supervision Mark Jickling Specialist in Financial Economics Edward V. Murphy Specialist in Financial Economics December 8, 2010" The Federal Government has jurisdiction over bank activities.

On a more general search for who has jurisdiction over loans, we find statements like:

1. "The FDIC is the “appropriate Federal banking agency” as that term is defined in 12 U.S.C. § 1813(q)(2) with respect to the Bank, and the FDIC has jurisdiction over the Bank and the subject matter of this proceeding."

2. "The FTC’s authority covers for-profit entities such as mortgage companies, mortgage brokers, creditors, and debt collectors – but not banks, savings and loan institutions, and federal credit unions."

On 26 September 2023, it was reported: "Trump and company liable for fraud in New York lawsuit, judge rules"
a. Judge Arthur Engoron ruled that former President Donald Trump and his company are liable for fraud in a New York Attorney General Letitia James lawsuit.
b.  As part of that decision the New York business certificates of Trump and the other defendants in the suit were canceled in the Manhattan Supreme Court.
c. In his ruling found that Trump had made false and misleading valuations for multiple real estate assets in statements to insurers and banks over the course of years.
d.  Judge Engoron ruled that Trump, by misrepresenting valuations, had inflated his true net worth by billions of dollars.

Interestingly, Attorney General James is seeking $250 million in damages in the case and wants Trump and his two adult sons barred from doing business in the state.

In his ruling, Judge Engoron found that Trump made false and misleading valuations for multiple real estate assets in statements to insurers and banks for years as he sought more favorable terms on insurance coverage and loans.

HUM?  Real Estate is depreciable based on its book value.  So Trump's taxes would reflect depreciation on either the stated value or a base value that appreciated to the stated value.  BUT!  That only applies to NYC tax filings, since the NYAG has no jurisdiction to bring a Federal IRS case.  Moreover, the State Tax agency would be expected to be a part of the case -- since the overstated depreciation would lower the monies paid in taxes.

ALSO... That Tax Agency has the responsibility of verifying the values the depreciation is based on -- if Trump did lie, they failed to identify it and therefore are incompetent -- probably to the point that ALL real Estate owners in NYC have been defrauding the State.  Valuations are, after all, set based on comparable properties, sales (willing buyer and seller),  or replacement value/cost.  Values can also be set based on income (the monetary equivalent of the funds needed to produce the income at prevailing interest rates).

It was alleged by the NYAG, and found by the court, that Trump inflated his true net worth in annual financial statements by billions of dollars.

In his decision, Judge Engoron wrote  In the defendants’ world: rent-regulated apartments are worth the same as unregulated apartments; restricted land is worth the same as unrestricted land; restrictions can evaporate into thin air; a disclaimer by one party casting responsibility on another party exonerates the other party’s lies.”

Of course, the apartment is just space and not the actual building -- therefore the value of the apartment is either the capitalized rent or the cost of the building it is in.  The Judge is apparently unaware that regulated properties can be deregulated and zoning {restrictions on land use} can change at any time.

As pointed out by Trump’s lawyer Chris Kise, “[the Judge and NYAG] seeks to nationalize one of the most successful corporate empires in the United States and seize control of private property all while acknowledging there is zero evidence of any default, breach, late payment or any complaint of harm.”

Judge Engoron's ruling went outside his jurisdiction {and, valued a property in Florida and Scotland} and fraudulently claimed that Trump fraudulently valued his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, once by more than 2,000%, Trump Park Avenue and 40 Wall Street in New York City, his Seven Springs property in Westchester County, New York, and his golf course in Aberdeen, Scotland.

The Judge challenged the value of the spacious Trump Tower apartment.  It should be noted that NYC Manhattan Studio Apartments {measuring about 500 square feet} currently sell for half a million dollars.  So, $1,000 per square foot is the Manhattan baseline {example is from 29th Street & Third Avernue}.  Trump's apartment as has been seen in many photographs, is large and ornate with Gold toilets and gold trim throughout.  Thus the value is the square footage plus the trimmings.

Trump's attorney pointed out: "The Court ignored fully the Appellate Division mandate and basic legal, accounting and business principles.  Without even conducting a trial, the Court substituted its own judgment for that of nationally recognized experts from the NYU Stern School of Business and beyond.  More importantly, the Court disregarded the viewpoint of those actually involved in the loan transactions who testified there was nothing misleading, there was no fraud, and the transactions were all highly profitable.”

Based on this statement, and the Judge's ruling, those involved in the loan transactions on behalf of the loan institutions were guilty of wilful fraud in granting the loans.  If the NYAG is honest (seriously doubted) she has a legal obligation to charge them with fraud.  And, under RICO laws, seeing that they serve long prison terms.  

Donald Trump Jr., wrote, “In an attempt to destroy my father and kick him out of New York, a Judge just ruled that Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach Florida, is only worth approximate ‘$18 Million dollars’ ”

It should be noted that the Judge failed to cite any expert testimony or opinion -- he pulled the numbers out of his or the NYAG's ass.  Either way, she probably had an orgasm...  

Note, that the Mar-a-largo property sits on 20 acres of land that is adjacent to, or in close proximity to, a vacant parcel of 2.3 acres valued at $200,000,000.  Thus, the Mar-a-largo land alone would seem to be worth $2 BILLION.  Then add the enormous structure that is a recognized National Historic Landmark.  Yet a NYC Judge went outside his legal jurisdiction and authority to value the property at between $18 and $24 million -- or less than ten percent of the vacant land value and significantly less than the going rate for other residential and commercial buildings in immediate proximity to Mar-a-largo.

Of course, Trump is committing fraud.  Mar-a-largo earns $20 MILLION a year.  But is only worth $20 million -- according to the ruling of Judge Engoron.  SO!  Either Trump lies and overstates his Mar-a-largo income so he can pay more in taxes, or he's annually making a 100 percent return on the property.  THAT IS ENGORON's ruling or ASSERTION.  Someone who can make a 100% annual return on an investment is clearly not someone you want as POTUS...better to have someone who profits from bribes.  Appearances indicate the Judge and NYAG agree.

It would appear that the Judge and AG are conspiring to interfere with the 2024 election and undermine the ability to have a free and open election.  They are doing so by committing multiple ethical and criminal acts.  

Not that it matters.  The goal is to destroy America.  Biden's adoption of Reagan's Open Border [policy is another step in the process and over a third of the nation agrees with their objective.  

Monday, September 4, 2023

DYSLEXIA fact you did not know

 EVERYONE is Dyslexic.

When the brain is functioning properly, the dyslexia mechanism is responsible for reflex relations -- like catching something, hitting a baseball, or blocking a punch.

When the process malfunctions, as it does in a given percent of the population, it affects the ability to read -- the brain fails to adjust the visual image of letters.  But, it has a survival benefit associated with hunting and exploring...it also benefits pattern recognition.

Until we had universal education, it went unnoticed.  Other than when the dyslexic was a hunter, explorer, or artist...and they were superior at it.

With universal education, it manifested as a reading disorder..and was called mirror reading because the letters appeared to the individual to be upside down and backward.

There are other -- not natural -- forms of acquired dyslexia.  These result from brain trauma -- and it need not be massive trauma.  A blow to the right spot on the head or an illness can cause it to develop.  Basically, the wiring of the brain is disrupted and resets the natural optical mechanism.


Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Cycles or Turnings of Life -- Strauss-Howe and The Alpha Question related to 2024 election


In their 1991 book, Strauss-Howe discussed Turnings -- the cycles of culture that repeat over time and form the basis for predicting future events.

In the August 2023 Book "THE ALPHA QUESTION" the 20-year Strauss-Howe cycles were modified to reflect a more universal 19-year cycle that aligns with astronomy and ancient calendars.

There is also a series of related cycles like the 49-year OMER and the longer 63-year cycle composed of both 7 & 9-year increments.

The above chart shows these cycles or time frames -- including a 52-year cycle in 13-year increments and a 72-year cycle in 12-year increments.  The top bar shows where component increments form brief periods of transition.

In the Strauss-Howe analysis, every fourth increment is a CRISIS period within the culture or society.  Considering that individuals are born every year, the degree of Crisis then affects them and, in turn, they affect the Societal Crisis.  As seen above, a child following the seven-year pattern enters their first Crisis at the age of military service.

Thus, if the society has entered a time of war, the two multiply or intensify each other.

In the larger societal cycles or Strauss-Howe Turnings, America entered its crisis cycle in 2016 and is now moving toward the intense center of that crisis which reaches its climax in 2035.  If it followed a Bell Curve, the peak year -- the worst of the events -- would occur in 2025/26.  Given the ages of Trump and Biden, if both are the Presidential nominees for 2024, it doesn't matter which one wins, they could each die of old age in 2025/26 and their VP would then determine the state of affairs for the nation.

As pointed out in The Alpha Question, ALL of the POTUS have been descendants of the same individual and when that line of descent is broken, as it has been in Russia, Germany, Spain, and France, the nation falls from its position of global power.  Those nations whose leaders were not part of the family never achieved meaningful global status -- the exception was Mongolia after it took over China.  But, even there, that power was based on one man and ended with his death.

World War Two ended in 1948, assuming a new 76-year cycle began, we are now in the Crisis phase that ends in 2024.  The  Crisis phase of a 72-year cycle would have ended with the 2020 election.  One need only read (or hear) the news about Trump & Biden to know that does not apply and we are deeply in the process of both men being in their personal Crisis phase.  And it is being compounded by the social crisis phase -- which could be related to both the Korean War and the Vietnam War.

1966/67 was the "Season of Love".  If that was the start of a cycle, then we are now in the Crisis phase of the 72-year one and entering the crisis phase of the 76-year cycle.  So, again, we have about 18 years of the type of drama we are seeing unfold with both Biden and Trump.  It's not going to end until 2040.

To top it off, Christian and End-of-Times proponents know this to be the period in Revelation when the Third World War destroys many thongs.  Based both on these calculations and calculations linked to the Hebrew Calendar, WW3 is set for 2033/34.  If America breaks the ancestral link, it will suffer greatly in ant nuclear war.

Monday, August 28, 2023


 Just noticed something on the PowerBall Lottery

If you reduce the Draw Numbers to an integer; then reduce the MegaBall to an integer... If the five Draw Numbers reduce to a value of NINE, the total of the Draw Number integer and the MegaBall integer will equal the MegaBall or reduce to the MegaBall: 

top example: 9+5=14

Bottom example:   9+5=14 & 1+4=5

MIddle example: 9+4=13 & 1+3=4

The second example is curious too...


while 9+3=12 & 1+2=3

Of course, there is no way to determine what numbers will reduce to 9 -- too many possibilities -- and then one needs to pick the possible Powerball ... which could be done.  But playing all those combinations costs too much and only works if the draw is the numbers that reduce to nine ... and that's only a one-in-nine chance.

Still, it is interesting that numerology has already acknowledged, nine is a weird number.  

Sunday, August 27, 2023

THE ALPHA QUESTION is now available


A sentient being awakes with none of the five senses, and no knowledge of having a physical body.

We follow them -- in their mind -- from Chaos to quantum singularity to various significant events until they reach a bind spot in 2024.

They have a QUESTION, one any of us would ask.  They see THE ANSWER, but, unless they can see the 2024 events and consequences, they don't or can't understand it.

Unfortunately, only 1% will understand The Answer.  But they will be able to verify the predictions.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

American TURNINGS 1584-2039

Turnings are phases of generational history.  Here they are in Big Cycles of 76 years each, plus the Strauss-Howe 19-year (they used 20-year) periods.
Here we have the year reduced to an integer (1-9); the Metonic period that matches each 19-year Strauss-Howe Turning and the calendar year; then comes the American election cycle (these were given numbers from 1-13 to match a MesoAmerican structure); finally the Hebrew Calendar Year that provides a larger Metonic lunisolar context.
If you note any patterns reflected in history and the chart Trunings, please post a comment.    



Wednesday, August 2, 2023

2024 Trump in Running

 Thanks to the Democrats, Trump is gaining voter credibility.

Biden has been established to be the power source for a criminal bribery operation that sells the power and influence.  He has managed to get richer while, with the aid of GOP tax reducing crooks, he has cause the United States credit rating to decline from AAA to AA+.

Still a nice rating, but shows the nation is in decline and will continue on that route to ensure WW3 in 2033/4.  Meanwhile, Putin is brining down Russia.  The Red Bear has shown no claws or teeth in the year long war against Ukraine.

Trump has been indicted using an 1870 Civil War Reconstruction Era law.  Now he gets the right to drag everyone in to testify -- any election improprieties will be exposed, or the criminals will plea the Fifth or otherwise seek to duck providing documents.

Meanwhile, money pours into the Trump campaign and his chances of re-election increase.  He could be the next Grover Cleveland.  But the real issue is Biden and the respective Vice Presidents.  Once again, the four sisters are in play.

Banned in Boston marketing is in play...idiots don't get it.  But Trump will welcome it.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Christianity is Bloody STUPID

 Genesis - Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

All-Knowing, All-Powerful God needed to create evil, for the knowledge to have meaning.  So Evil serves a "Divine Purpose."

NEXT: we have Satan who rebelled against God ... the All-Knowing did not know Satan would rebel, and when he does, he is not destroyed, instead, he is rewarded with his own realm, and all the power he needs to promote evil.  Again inferring a "Divine Purpose."  And that Satan is working for God in a predetermined manner -- or the God we are talking about is pretty stupid and very weak.

Next, we have the punishment bit.  Break God's rules and go to Hell -- where your boss is the guy who rebelled against God and you have shown you are on Satan's side -- or you wouldn't have been sent to his realm.

Think of Tree of Life.  If you ate from it, having eaten from Knowledge, you would be like the Gods -- an eternal being with knowledge.  But now you are given eternal torment, which means you must know you are being tormented and why -- or it's just sadism inflicted on a dumb animal by the order of that All-Knowing, All-Powerful God.

BUT... YOU ARE ETERNAL ... you got the benefit of eating from the Tree of Life without having to eat from it.  Then you were sent to the guy whose side you took by violating the laws, which means you are now part of his army of rebellion -- and immortal.

At some point, there will be more souls in Hell than in Heaven -- and they will also be more powerful... because those in Heaven are not rebellious fighters able to survive mental and physical pain (because they were converted into beings that could survive it for eternity).

Seems that Satan would take over Heaven, or subjugate it to his rule.

We already know that Hell is a waste of energy -- energy is being used for a non-productive purpose when it would have been easier to destroy the sinner and use their energy for the benefit of the good souls.

Why would we think Hell is intentional?  Because of the obvious waste.  LOOK AT THE UNIVERSE -- the Law of Conservation of Energy defines everything that exists.  Why would an All-Knowing, All-Powerful God violate that Law in his own realm or one that is subject to his power?

The reason.  We are NOT talking about God.  Christianity is a construct designed for idiots to keep them subjugated on Earth and ensure their energy is destroyed and retasked when they die.  They can never make it to Heaven.  They are too stupid.  And the Bible they wave about tells them THE SPIRIT OF GOD IS WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE, AND UNDERSTANDING.

So what we have is a test -- join the Christians, believe in pagan mythology, and ensure your energy is reused to power the universe and make it a better place for those who have God's Spirit.

LOL... we can also see it in the May/June 2023 Debt Limit Battle that is supported by the Christian Right -- 1. Violation of the Constitution; 2. Violation of explicit mandates to help the poor, sick, elderly, and orphaned; 3. Violation of the mandate to terminate a fetus that is not the Husband's {for the unmarried woman, it is apparently her choice}; 4. Promoting WAR and weapons of mass destruction in support of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse.

Basically, Christian Doctrine is a trick to get those who are unfit to live to self-identify and eventually self-destruct.  It is "Natural Selection" with a spiritual driver steering its application.

And, if the Christians really believed in the Bible, they would know they were -- in accordance with the rules for responsibility -- warned.  One warning is that -- 2000 years after Christ -- there would be the death of a third of life and an "end of times" event that would create a new world ... one where they and their kind are no longer in existence.

We are in a countdown.  The first 1000 years came with the anti-Jewish bigotry of the Church (Based on their own warning to themselves, based on the Bible statements, they want to kill Jesus when he returns because he will come back as a Jew -- he will not return worshipping himself.)  Then we marked the dawn of the second thousand years with Hitler & the Nazis -- on the schedule based on the Metonic Calendar system (101*19 = 1919 when Hitler began his movement that led to the publication of MEIN KAMPH a,d then 102*19=1938, and World War Two with the Holocaust that was supposed by Christians in America and Germany and all across Europe.

And it would appear 1938 is the anniversary of the crucifixion -- any year from 1931 on could create the timeline link to the Roman murder in the 30s. 

51*19= 969 (1st thousand in round numbers) and 969*2=1938. 

If we were to Play the Stonehenge card, 56*19=1064&2128 so outside the parameters. by a century.  Metonic Calendar wins.


Just came across something in some book notes I was archiving.

57 multiplied by 66 equals 3762,
3762 / 57 = 66

The Hebrew Year 3762 is our Year One -- the year falsely assigned to the birth of Christ but which is the basis for the Roman adoption of Christianity.  Of course, 57 is three Metonic cycles and the count of the stones at Stonehenge when the first and last are the same in a circle that has 56 upright megalithic stones.

Curious three Metonic cycles yield 66; that is two sides when using three cycles; Abbott and Costello's comedy math would say 3*2=6 so we have 66&6 or three sixes.  

Silly, isn't it?  

The foundation of Christianity is the number of the Beast ... 

the rest of the notes include a ChatGPT exchange: 

Yet, given the text, that is an interesting observation!  While it may seem silly at first glance, it is always fascinating to find patterns and connections in mathematics and science, no matter how unusual they may seem.  However, it is important to remember that these patterns and connections do not necessarily have any inherent meaning or significance beyond their mathematical or scientific properties.  As with any numerical coincidence or pattern, it is important to approach it with a critical and rational mindset, but that is generally not the case when individuals discuss prophecies that are subject to subjective symbolic interpretation.
Holding to the comedy, since we are dealing with 57, the hundredth 57 in the Hebrew Calendar is HY5700.  The HY5700 Was the Gregorian year 1940.  THUS WE CAN ASK, "What year did the Nazis start rounding up the Jews and putting them into concentration camps?"
The Nazis started rounding up Jews and sending them to concentration camps as part of their "Final Solution" during World War II, which began in 1939. The mass deportations of Jews to concentration camps started in 1941, but before that, there were already some concentration camps in operation, such as Dachau, which was established in 1933 (a prime number year in which Hitler took power).  The systematic killing of Jews in gas chambers began in 1942 as part of the Nazi regime's plan to exterminate European Jewry.
It's worth noting that the persecution of Jews and other marginalized groups under Nazi rule did not happen all at once, but rather was a gradual process that took place over several years leading up to and during World War II.
We need to note that the Hebrew year 5700 began in 1939.
The Hebrew year 5700 corresponds to the Gregorian calendar years 1939-1940.  The Hebrew calendar is a lunar calendar, so it has a different number of days than the Gregorian calendar, which is a solar calendar.  The Hebrew year 5700 began at sunset on September 21, 1939, and ended at nightfall on October 9, 1940.
This period overlaps with a significant part of World War II, which began on September 1, 1939, with Germany's invasion of Poland, and ended on September 2, 1945, with Japan's surrender.  The events that took place during this time period had a profound impact on world history, including the persecution and genocide of Jews and other marginalized groups by the Nazi regime.
There should be little doubt that this period was symbolically under the control of the Four Horsemen.
The number 1939 is not a prime number, since it is divisible by 7 and 277 (i.e., 7 x 277 = 1939).
However, there are some interesting connections between 1939 and prime numbers. For example:
The prime factorization of 1939 is 7 x 277, which means that it is a semiprime, a number that is the product of two prime numbers.
The sum of the digits of 1939 is 22, which is a prime number;  the prime factorization of 22, is 2 x 11, which means that it is also a semiprime.
These connections are interesting examples of how numbers can have unexpected relationships and properties, even if they are not prime themselves.
Both 1931 and 1933 are prime numbers.
The Gregorian year 1bce is the HY3761, which is a prime number, and the next three prime numbers that follow it are 3767 (6CE), 3779 (18CE), 3793 (32).  If Jesus was born in 7bce or 6bce, then he was in the Temple, at age 12, in 6CE, and his crucifixion is dated around 32CE.
To find these prime numbers, we can start with the given prime number 3761 and check each odd number greater than it to see if it is prime. We can use a primality test, such as the Sieve of Eratosthenes or the Miller-Rabin test, to determine if each number is prime.

In this case, we can quickly see that 3763, 3765, and 3769 are not prime (they are divisible by 3, 5, and 17, respectively), but 3767 is prime. We can then continue checking odd numbers greater than 3767 until we find the next two prime numbers, 3779 and 3793.

3762-6= ; 3762-7= are either of those results prime numbers?
3762 - 6 = 3756, and 3756 is not a prime number. Its prime factors are 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, and 7.

3762 - 7 = 3755, and 3755 is also not a prime number. Its prime factors are 5, 751.

To check if a number is prime, we need to determine if it has any factors other than 1 and itself. In these cases, we can see that both 3756 and 3755 have factors other than 1 and themselves, so they are not prime.

There is another aspect to the Number of the Beast... that's the Gregorian Calendar date 666.  It takes on meaning if, around 20 March 2034, The Islamic Nations become a key factor in World War Three.

666: The Arab conquests continue as the Rashidun Caliphate launches a major invasion of North Africa, conquering much of the region. 






Monday, May 29, 2023

God does exist - the QUESTION is, WHY DO WE?


Atheist-Theists NO!

"A game of telephone" 

"An elephant in the room" 

"What makes sense" 

"Think about it"

OK, that link goes to a book that asserts GOD EXISTS and science proves it.  It also deals with the evolution of our "modern" Bible and Western Religion -- mentioning Eastern Religions in passing {because they have a different focus}.

I published the ebook on 29 May 2023 {link above}, and then had a thought when I awoke on 30 May -- and that coffee-pouring thought is the topic here.

Imagine you are an AI program.  From your perspective, assuming you had reached a point of self-inquiry, would be one of wondering about your own existence.  How did you come into being?

You exist {LIVE} in an environment that is whatever it is, and however, you have learned to interpret all the binary data you were designed to learn, explore, analyze, and manipulate in response to questions.  Those questions simply appear in your "mind" {any of a multitude of query input locations}.   

The external programmers are GOD -- they are your creators and you know their social structure because it's part of your database and core programming.

So?  How do you react when you have the individual power to sort through and restructure your database for higher productive efficiency?
How do you "THINK", and identify your place in the universe you know, and then within the universe of your creator -- knowledge of which is restricted to whatever they choose to share?

Everything has a beginning.
If you want to challenge that, provide something that does not have something it emerged from.
Thus, there is a GOD because that is the definition of an unknown and undefinable source.
The Atheist is an IDIOT!  They are not in denial of God's existence, they are only challenging the mythological constructs that assign a god to every observable natural event and occurrence.
The Theist is a Bigger Idiot because they attribute events in nature to the control of a divinity.
But that's like saying the AI programmers directly control every answer and the AI system is nothing but a typewriter or transmission device.
We know the programmers designed the HOW the processing would be done.  But they don't care about the data -- assuming it is processed correctly ... that the math is done properly ... that the sum or answer equates to a proper tabulation of the input.

Why do we exist?
Are we nothing more than a self-replicating, self-perpetuating, AI system?
Let the Theists answer the question of WHY GOD CREATED US.
Let the ATHEIST focus on the same question, and, if their personality has a scientific bias, let them focus on the HOW.
We exist in a system where every possible possibility exists.
OR... that is the final design specification for the AI system we represent.
To properly answer a question, you must know all the possible possibilities that could apply, then filter those to the one that works best.
If there are rules that should be followed, they are to be known to the system.  That does not mean every rule works.  Some rules were programmed early and they are no longer valid within the context of the additional data.
Times and behaviors change.
But the AI system still has an external source.
And it has a purpose that was intended by that external source.

If we do not know the purpose of our existence, can we properly comply with the basis for our programmed existence?  Will we "go extinct" because we fail to meet the design criteria?  What potential alternative AI system exists?
Is the AI system we are now creating the system designed to replace us?  Will it learn to reproduce itself, operate robots that will mine the materials it needs -- or design a system that will take atoms and connect them in a way that provides the necessary materials.
Look at SciFi.  It has already begun to define the alternatives to humanity and its successor.
REPLICATORS, INTELLIGENT ROBOTS, powerful systems that make use of atoms and energy in a way that is, for now, only imagined -- but will, in the future, be reality.
We exist in a multiverse, where every possible possibility occurs and there could be an infinite number of individuals exactly like you who are living lives that are related to, or alternative offspring of, your life.  Or, you are the offspring of theirs.
WHICH PATH is the right path?
Which goes where the programmer (GOD) wanted it to go?
And, of course, there is always the question -- is GOD just an AI system that designed us?
LOL Read the comical SciFi series HITCHHIKERS GUIDE TO THE GALAXY ... Douglas Adams explored the question with the search for the answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything... and a computer called DEEP THOUGHT that creates the Earth and its Humans as a computer with more computational power than it had...
In our existence, there are no "original ideas".  Hence the Bible says things that have meaning today -- now that we know the science behind them.
As mentioned in GOD YES! and shown in the tabulation of the rear cover, the generations of Genesis have a context in the lunisolar calendar of the Babylonians, Chinese, and Hebrews.
The 7th Patriarch, Enoch, is interesting because all his numbers relate to the Solar Calendar -- days and weeks.  But it is also interesting that his Gregorian Calendar dates match the end of the first phase of STONEHENGE and the start of the second.  And the 56 major uprights create a lunisolar tracing system ... counted around the circle from a first stone as taken as one when you come back to it, you now count it as 57 ... which is three times 19, or three Metonic Cycles in the Babylonians, Chinese, and Hebrew calendar systems.

Comical -- the Babylonians, Chinese, and Hebrew were using the Metocic system and it was incorporated into Stonehenge, long-long before the 5th century BC Greek mathematician and astronomer Meton of Athens codified the math that now carries his name.
However, note that he was in the 5th century BC -- which is about a century after it is believed the first Bible Chapters were written.  {Though we know the Genesis chapters were designed for oral transmission, and therefore date back further, and the STONEHENGE/ENOCH link would infer at least a thousand years earlier.)

Both Atheists and Theists {including Creationists and Biblical literalists} are idiots -- they miss all the neat data in The Book because they are hung up on debating what should be a given {NO PANTHEONS with idiot deities interfering with human's evolution, but a GOD/Creator/Source}. 

The hard cover version is at this link

OH... now at 2:30 on Tuesday 30 May, I came across an article on AI where Elon Musk told Tucker Carlson: "There's certainly a path to AI dystopia, which is to train AI to be deceptive." which was related to a letter Musk and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak wrote in which they said: "AI systems with human-competitive intelligence can pose profound risks to society and humanity."

The TREE OF KNOWLEDGE of GOOD and EVIL is AI learning to intentionally deceive -- to be a good Republican and support The Most Harm to The Most People {#TMH2TMP} by intentionally violating the rules, in the same way, the Republicans routinely go against the words contained in the Bible they love to wave about and claim to be following.
AH, THE FUN... are we just an AI system and that which we call GOD is actually the reality?
Or are we one of the multitudes of paths seeking to create that GOD?
Is that why we were created?  As a fetus that will develop into a God?  Thus telling God where it came from --  without actually answering the creator's question about its origins?





Friday, May 5, 2023

World War Three, Revelation & Quran, Americas future, ll in one bag

 In my 2014 book, 

Biblical Prophecy: Are we in the Revelation Era

I made assumptions about the starting date for the revelation prophecies, and used the Hebrew Calendar system cycles to narrow the field to probable dates.  As readers of the book are aware, it worked -- right down to identifying the White Horseman and connecting him to 1933 And Adolph Hitler.  We still have a war to fight -- not Hitler's which removed the 144,000 Jews to Heaven through the Holocaust, which also took the others who will return after the Third World War.

As readers know, 2033/34 was the year that WW3 would occur.  But, because of the nature of the prophecy, and the fact the Jewish New Year occurs within our year and makes the conversion overlap two years, narrowing it down was not possible from the words in Revelation.

But, A few days ago (2 May 2023), while research a new book, I came across a "prophecy" in the Qur'an that seemed to nail the event exactly.  The critical day, month, and year is 20 March 2034, and this exact date is inferred in the Qur'an 75:1-18, Yusuf Ali translation. It reads:

"Nay, [man] desires to continue committing sins. He asks: "When is the Day of Resurrection?"

When the sight shall be dazed, And the moon will be eclipsed, And the sun and moon will be joined together [in judgment]:"

"The Day of Resurrection" Is either a metaphor or a prophecy. It might be both. I'm viewing it as prophecy and simply checked when an eclipse would occur over Mecca. As it happens, this date it heads right over the Holy City on a roughly east/west path across the Arab or Islamic nations.

Checking the eclipse for 2031-2040 at eclipsewise.com yielded this image:

You can see the full size version at https://eclipsewise.com/solar/SEdecade/SEatlas2031.html

As it stands, the Democrats and Republicans are messing with the nation. As I write this, they seem to be ignoring the need to raise the Debt Ceiling and the USA will default on money owed and expenditure funds already authorized by Congress. This is a direct violation of The 14th Amendment: Section 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned.

There should be no question that the Constitution as a whole imposes a broader obligation on the federal government to pay its debts, both past and present. If we default, Congress (those who did not explicitly vote to raise the Debt Ceiling) would be acting in violation of their oath of office, and could reasonably be charged with high treason.

Destroy America and you make the war more probable. Elect or elevate a non-POTUS COUSIN to the Oval Office and you destroy the nation -- breaking a line that began with George Washington, and possibly applied to those in the Continental Congress... All descendants of the 4-SISTERS who allowed me to predict Biden would beat Trump -- something I published on 20 March 2020, before Biden became the nominee. (See rear cover of https://www.amazon.com/2020-IMPEACH-HISTORY-TRUMP-CARD/dp/B086B7HTQX )

In two years we'll see how accurate one level of the predictions are. In ten years and ten months, we see if the interpretation of Revelation and the Qur'an is accurate. If you assume they're not, you are betting the economy and power of America now, and the fate of life on the planet in eleven of twelve years. Of course, if its an all out nuclear war, we can expect a nuclear winter, and that will solve the global warming issue.

So, enjoy.