Friday, September 3, 2010

Palestinians & Republicans – both camps are populated by idiots


Gleaning words from  the Jewish Daily Forward article: ”Boycotted, Bothered and Bewildered Good Fences” By J.J. Goldberg (Published September 01, 2010, issue of September 10, 2010.)  We find that there is a reason the Israeli IQ is significantly lower than the general IQ of Jews.  (And now are displaying behavior I have routinely associated with the American Republican Party)

“Israel … now faces a concerted effort by Palestinians under its rule to isolate the Israeli settlers living among them in the West Bank. … The weapon of choice is a boycott of settlement-based products, services and jobs.  And Jerusalem doesn’t have a clue what to do about it.”

OK There you have the first problem – The Government is too stupid to bask in the stupidity of the Palestinians.  If the products are worth producing, and therefore worth having,  the Palestinians will need to replace their sources – so the question is, are the new sources cheaper than the current one being boycotted?  If not, than the Palestinians will inflict economic hardship on themselves to a greater and more sustained level than they will on Israel.  SO WHY SHOULD ISRAEL CARE !?! 

“The problem is that this is unlike any boycott Israel has faced before. For one thing, it’s working. Israeli news reports tell of factories shutting down and millions of shekels lost.”  Again the question – were the products worth producing … if the boycott can have than effect, than the market was too limited.

NOW THIS IS OVERBOARD: “Knesset speaker Reuven Rivlin called it “a declaration of war against Israel.” The Yesha Council, which represents Jewish settlers in the West Bank, called it “economic terrorism.””  Of course the Palestinians are at war with Israel … they would rather be at war than produce anything productive or better their living conditions and the prospects for their children … these are people who have call themselves refugees since the 1930’s … these are people who have achieved nothing!  Have no prospects for achievement!  Add nothing to the human condition and world as a whole!  Of course they are at war:  Then are junk yard dogs barking and biting … but worthless in any civilized setting.

Now consider this: “For another thing, this boycott isn’t exactly anti-Israel in the normal sense. Up to now Israel has argued to foreign governments and universities, mostly successfully, that an across-the-board boycott of Israeli products and institutions is an attack on the Jewish state itself, not on any particular policy. That proves that Israel’s foes are bent on destroying it, not merely changing it. But the new campaign attacks only a specific policy, and a highly controversial one at that: building an Israeli civilian presence in the still-disputed territory captured in 1967.  There’s no challenge to Israel proper or its economy; Palestinian leaders have stated repeatedly.”

SO!  What’s the big deal.  These guys don’t want construction in Israeli territory … Territory that Israel owns only because these Palestinians idiots were stupid enough to start a war they couldn’t win  – an act taken in conjunction with Arab idiots, like those who are disrupting peace in third world countries across the globe.

Palestinians want to be poor and suffer … it’s their thing in life.  They think suffering is what makes a Jew, and they are desperate to become the new Jews.  Islamic people always have been desperate to become Jews – they were, after all, before the Arab invasions, originally of the Ten Tribes … Palestinian DNA affirms that connection.  That’s why they were formed around being Kosher and their prophet moved to, and organized in, a Jewish town.  Only problem … these idiots are too stupid to know their own history and genetics.

But, of course, ”Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in May, that Palestinian boycotters only “hurt themselves.””  Obviously Netanyahu knows reality when he sees it.

“Even more awkward, the boycott is an embodiment of something Israel has been demanding for years: that Palestinians pursue their goals non-violently. Boycotts are not violent. Dubbing a settlement boycott illegitimate suggests, in effect, that Palestinians have no right to pursue their goals at all.”  Which only goes to prove that there are low IQ individuals in the Knesset  -- but didn’t they get quoted ??? Yep the idiots speak out (Does remind me of Sarah Palin and her Tea Party friends).

Now to more idiots – actors seeking publicity through stupidity (Think Roseanne Barr) who announced their own boycott “in late August by a group of Israeli theater personalities, who vowed not to perform in West Bank settlements. The announcement singled out the bustling West Bank town of Ariel, population 17,000, where a $10 million government-funded municipal auditorium is scheduled to open in November. The auditorium’s schedule for the opening season was published August 25, featuring appearances by major repertory theater companies including Habimah and the Cameri. In response, two actors announced on August 26 that they would not participate.”


OK answer here … fire the actors … black list them … they are too stupid to be role models for a prosperous nation.

“Culture Minister Limor Livnat, who oversees theater subsidies, said the actors are “dividing Israeli society and spreading hate.” Other Likud lawmakers are demanding that funds be cut to any theater that employs actors who refuse to perform.”

Yep!  Obviously there are intelligent people in the Israeli government …”  And get this, “…  the actors could even be charged under a pending Knesset bill that outlaws public support for boycotts against Israel.”  If the bill is enacted in a timely fashion.  Note that the Bill, like the GOP & Arizona anti-immigration actions, is the product of idiots which will ultimately affect their fellow idiots.

Bottom line, those who wish to hurt themselves will always achieve their goal.  That they hurt innocents as well is a trademark of their stupidity and disrespect for their creator (who they generally, often universally, assert to be supporting).  We do not do to another what we would find hateful if done to us.  Simple rule – seldom followed by either Palestinians or Republicans.   

(For specific article and more on these fun & games:  J.J. Goldberg  blogs at

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