Sunday, September 25, 2011

Is this for real?

Got this political e-mail today, 25 Sept 2011:


“Hey friend -  The House GOP is driving us toward a government shutdown, again. This time they’re holding disaster funding hostage, demanding job creation programs be gutted in return. The Democratic Senate declared it DOA, fortunately. But it’s absurd to sacrifice Americans in need, while tanking the economy in an effort to pin it on the President. But welcome to today’s Grand Old Party.

“We are updating records this weekend and I noticed that your online support this year was still pending (copy/pasted your supporter record below). Can you help stop the Tea Party from taking over Congress? The GOP House’s actions are a good reminder of how important this razor thin, four seat majority is in the Senate. Without this firewall there would be no way to stop them.

“The FEC deadline is 6 days away and we have $423,000 to go. If everyone gets on board with a $5 contribution, we’ll get there. But if we don’t meet this goal, we will concede states. And we can’t afford that with only a four seat lead.”



!!!!! AGAIN & STILL !!!!!

Ok, so a third of the nation just fails to face reality.  They fail to see the real Republican political agenda.

Not that it matters.  After all, isn’t it time America committed suicide?  Why do we want to be the world leader?  Why would we want to continue as world policeman?  Except that the “policeman” or military force question is the only one that furthers the GOP goal of eventual world genocide – and Evangelical goals to establish a KING in place of Democracy.


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