Tuesday, August 5, 2014

How to destroy Social Security

Between 2003 and 2013, Unauthorized Immigrants Paid $100 Billion Into Social Security

A senior government statistician Unauthorized workers are paying an estimated $13 billion a year in social security taxes and only getting around $1 billion back.

Naturally, the party which attacks Social Security is also the party which screams about “border security” and the illegal immigrant problem.

Their problem is that the “Illegals” are funding the system the Republicans and Teabaggers want to destroy.

If we assume recipients received payment $1000/month plus – or $13,000 a year (for the sake of simple math) – they supported ONE MILLION recipients for a year.  And the neat thing is, they did so and cannot get anything back.

Of course the Teabaggers want to deprive those recipients of their incomes.  Thus they are opposed to allowing anyone to support them with no hope of getting anything in return … hum that smacks of Christian Charity.

Thus the Teabaggers oppose Christian Charity … which makes them Anti-Christ.  Which is actually consistent with their opposition to the Affordable Care Act.



Keep doing what you are doing – if the End-of-times is really upon us … as predicted in the Book of Revelation for the current century (beginning with WW2) … then those idiots are all doomed.  If the Revelation is false, than we can assert the New Testament Bible is also false and they will still go away – because there is no deity protecting them.

!!!!! YEA TEAM !!!!!

Those who brought us the Inquisition finally get theirs.  



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