Friday, November 14, 2014

The Christian-Islam problem

Christianity and Islam have a common problem – their scriptures.  Both rely upon The Book of Revelation and the validity of Prophecy.

For Christians – setting aside the obvious pagan deity-mortal progeny issue which violates everything except an implied origin in the Sorry of Noah – the basis of their religion is the prophecy of a Davidic Messiah.

The prophecy denotes a Jewish King in the line of David, and not a divine entity, so, on that score, Islam wins.

However, the issue is Revelation – Islam was based upon its followers being “the Army in White” which Jesus will lead against the evil non-believers.  Jihadists fall in that it mandates Jesus to return before there can be a Jihad, and before any who commit murder in the name of Jihad can go to heaven.  They are simply murders acting in the name of evil doers.

Revelation establishes a fixed sequence – the starting of which is unknown, but must be linked to Jesus.

Therefore we have DEATH OVER LIFE and the possible starting dates for a sequence of two periods of a thousand years.  At the extreme, the fall of the Temple, mentioned in the Sermon of the Mount, could be taken as the outside limit.  Therefore, the year 2069/70 would be the end of the prophetic period and therefore – if you are a biblical literalist you are dead in the war if the Apocalypse and the return have not occurred.

Since it is a return, the more rational starting date would be the Crucifixion in our year 29/30 – hence the year  2030 becomes the validation date for the two religions.  

Thus, both Christianity and Islam have sixteen years in which to show their Messiah and the death of a third of life.  Failing that, their faith is meaningless.

For the Hebrews, whose prophecy is the common basis for both the violent religions, the basis prophecy has been fulfilled.  That prophecy has a Jewish King (President) in Israel and Jewish Law commonly recognized around the world.  What the pagan religions ignore -- when invoking their reliance on this prophecy for their faith -- is that the Jewish Law HAS been universally accepted.  They ignore the reality that Jewish Law is Dietary and Hygiene based.

Good died, Clean, Wash, be careful of Blood – it transmits disease – avoid both the activities which transmit disease and those which poison the body (the saturated fats and salt), while recalling that seeded fruits are the ideal.

Of course, SAINT PAUL’S JOKE has its proper place in the equation.  Paul mandated Christians be Jews – that is, they adhere to Jewish Law.  Christians reject the Bible and wave it as their reference point – which means they have flagged themselves in terms of the Koran … which says Jesus will lead in the killing of bad Christians.  The Bad Christian term fits the majority of Christians – but not Atheists, who actually adhere more closely to the Biblical Christian doctrine than the alleged Christian murders.  Note too that those Christians who are anti-Semites, or criticize Jews, but do not themselves comply with ALL the laws are expressly and explicitly violating the mandate of Paul which forbids criticizing Jews.

Any Christian who is critical of a Jew, but is not kosher and has not circumcised their sons on the 8th day of life, is in violation of Paul and therefore condemned to their own purgatory and barred from any salvation.

But the reality of the religious situation – one which will make Atheists happy – is that these idiots will either be proved correct, and therefore go to hell, or be proved wrong by the failure of the prophecy to play itself out as dictated.  Note that the Islamic army serves no purpose of than to kill the Christians who violate Paul; so, when they are done, they too are to become Jews, or die.

Catch-22, they are correct about scripture and die, or they are wrong and total idiots descended from idiots, and therefore unfit to be leaders in, or even live in, the world which the Hindu prophecy says will be paradise.


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