Monday, December 15, 2014

Hidden Deaths

Republican Policies promote "Death Over Life: Secret of Revelation: A Prophecy of America's Destruction".

Reality demands that people do not recognize the reality of their support of "Death Over Life”.  Those you kill must be hidden from sight.

You do not see the women who die from illegal abortions – no newspaper makes daily reports – but that’s what happens when you oppose legal abortion.  The same can be said for the deaths due to complications of pregnancy – complications recognized and possibly avoided by abortion … allowing the woman to conceive again, instead of being rendered sterile, or dying with the fetus.

The illegalization of abortion is the legalization of murder by those who promoted the anti-abortion laws.  The fact that they didn’t think before approving the laws condemns them – Biblically – for they lack “Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding.”

Note these same people who rant against abortion are the ones who rant against either unwed mothers, or mothers (parents) who have children they “can’t afford”.  They yell – you must have the baby, but you are irresponsible because you have the baby.  Catch-22, they get to condemn whether you follow them or not.

Then we have the new rant against SNAP and public assistance: a 2011 Columbia University study: 291,000 a year die as a direct result of poverty.  

America’s top killer is heart disease – so naturally they rant against Healthcare (Obamacare); how else can you ensure these deaths continue?  That’s 600,000 deaths yearly, one in four total deaths, according to the CDC, which are now at the feet of those who support the Republican Tea Party anti-Obamacare disruption of government and society.

Next comes cancer at 575,000 – How much do the Republicans devote to cancer, as opposed to the killing of  Muslims or other foreigners?  How much will they spend to kill children whose parents send them to America for a better, healthier, longer life?

Respiratory disease is third at 143,000, followed by stroke and accidental injury.  Clean air – an end to the pollution associated fossil fuels (especially fuels like coal) – Climate issues are, in the Republican litany, lies.

Tobacco is in a slightly different category – count the percentage of Republicans who smoke, verses the number of non-Republicans.  Look at their vocal stereotype, Rush Limbaugh, proudly blowing smoke into the open air. They pollute – personally and in the industries they promote. Are  they in the forefront of energy independence?  Are they the ones who want to use American genius and technological superiority to capture wind and solar?

Or are they suppressing that which makes America Great?

Why is Demark – puny little Denmark – ahead of America in the new technology and in Education and in healthcare?

 "Death Over Life” is the preference and it is a preference which will kill the nation. 

A “preventable cause of death,” responsible for a cluster of fatal ailments can be found in one product – Tobacco.  But the Republicans will attack anything with medical potential, and promote anything know to kill.  The annual death toll from tobacco at about 440,000. Poverty, at 291,000, would be second on that “preventable” list.  Both are on the top of the “Things we promote and support” list of the Republican National Committee.

"Death Over Life” it is the Republican way.  It will be the reason the Bible has Washington (modern Babylon) fall in 2015/16.

Enjoy the show – they come for you next.  Yes YOU!  The person in the Baby-Boom generation who will be retiring into poverty because they depleted the value of you Social Security and collapsed (and will collapse again) the Stock Market.

Yes YOU!  The child of that generation – nothing will be left for you to inherit, except the broken system promoted by and built by, those who now brand themselves as the Tea Party Republicans – the next generation of the Satanic anti-everything breed who once were the “Spanish Inquisition” and “Salem Witch hunters”.   They are coming for you – so join their ranks and be the first to be hurt.



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