Thursday, February 22, 2024

Court trump ruling could screw city out of cash

 The posted value for the Trump Building - 40 Wall Street, New York, NY 10005 was built in 1931 and has a current tax assessor's market value of $157,191,000.

James highlighted what she says happened with 40 Wall Street, a property in New York City’s financial district, which is referenced dozens of times in the lawsuit. Trump’s company got appraisals for the property in 2010 and 2012, which found that it was worth $200 million and $220 million respectively, according to the lawsuit. But Trump’s company repeatedly claimed that the property was worth a lot more in its official financial statements, according to the lawsuit.

Hum, seems everyone disagrees on the value of this property.  In the lawsuit many properties outside the court jurisdiction were cited -- which is illegal because they are not in the Court's jurisdiction and the judge did not allow anyone to call any witnesses to establish valuations -- instead court declared values that were a fraction of the sale price of empty land adjacent to the properties.

Curious.  How does city value properties and why are they undervalued?  Is the assortment wilfully cheating the city out of tax revenues.

If the values were, as the court suggests and ruled, over valued, property owners would be entitled to tax refund plus interest.

The details of the ruling and prosecutor's case argument would need to be examined in detail, but the city might be fraudulently over charging property owners.

Oh the fun.

Doesn't matter.  No rational developer will go near the city for at least a decade.  By the the property values should have crashed to point where there is no construction, high unemployment, and deep discounts...coops and condos will lose there current values while inflation goes up, market values will go down, spreading and multiplying the loss.

Should be fun to watch.  Especially with a baby bust killing demand, and climate change causing water to undermine city.  There is also ad known earthquake fault line the water will the resulting quake will add to the problems.

Enjoy the show

Save this to check accuracy in 2040...LOL

What is actually happening in the New York Trump fraud case is a COMMUNIST TAKEOVER the City or State.

Consider: Standard business practice involving a Loan Negotiation is labeled a fraudulent business practice.  One where there is no victim and all parties made a profit.

The court, conspiring with the prosecution, opens the case with a guilty verdict.  The proceedings are then manipulated to restrict evidence and the initial verdict is then formalized and an excessive fine, plus interest, is imposed.

The prosecutor makes it clear that a property will be confiscated.  The State then becomes the owner/landlord and collects the rent -- acquiring multiple timed the revenue it could through income or property taxes.  It also denies the Federal government their income tax revenue...which the state also pickets.

That is A COMMUNIST TAKEOVER OF PRIVATE ASSETS achieved by a State Court.

The governor then assures other owners developers, and investors that they are not at risk of falling victim to the same theft of their assets.  The governor makes that statement because the action must first be approved by the Appellate Courts -- which it will be if those judges are also Communists seeking to destroy capitalism in New York State.

Once the matter successfully moves through the appellate process, the State can then engage in the Communist takeover of private business assets.  Those revenues can then be utilized to support non citizens in the country illegally.  Among those individuals there are or will be many Communists who can then enhance the takeover in a quiet, nonviolent, under the radar, Communist Revolution.  If successful, it can then spread throughout the economic centers until the Nation has been conquered.


SIT BACK AND WATCH.  BY THE TIME YOU REALIZE WHAT HAPPENED, IT WILL BE TOO LATE.  In one regard, the hate Trump legions are frogs in a kettle and the fire has just been started.

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