Tuesday, July 22, 2014

@KyleKulinski outs self as anti-Semite Nazi.

SECULAR TALK broadcaster, Kyle Kulinski outs self as Nazi Supervisor and closet anti-Semitic when attempting to refute Bill Maher in broadcast entitled “Bill Maher Fellates Israeli Attacks On Gaza”
Short version: Israel always wins against Arabs because America and other nations give it money – but deny that money to Gaza Terrorists sworn to destroy Israel and all Jews around the world.  Note that it was Hitler who set the standard which Kyle both advocating and using to belittle Maher.
According to Kyle – if we want equality – we either stop funding Israel, or provide equal funds to Gaza Terrorist.
1. Cut funding – Israel is over run and all Jews there are killed (roughly 1.5 million).  Then, in accordance with their charter and Constitution, the Gaza terrorists and their buddies attack every nation where there are Jews and kill all remaining Jews (about 5 million).  Those who read the Koran know it also mandates the killing of Christians – Kyle is a devout Atheist so would support that too.
2. Fund the Gaza Terrorists - Israel is over run and all Jews there are killed (roughly 1.5 million).  Then, in accordance with their charter and Constitution, the Gaza terrorists and their buddies attack every nation where there are Jews and kill all remaining Jews (about 5 million).  Those who read the Koran know it also mandates the killing of Christians – Kyle is a devout Atheist so would support that too.
Gee that was easy, cut and paste the same outcome.
It is clear that @KyleKulinski should be @KyleKulinskiNazi.
Addressing statements in @KyleKulinskiNazi broadcast:

Interesting -- KYLE is arguing for more money and weapons for the Arabs in Gaza so they can fulfill their NAZI CONSTITUTION -- Pure Hitler -- kill the Jews is their charter.
Gee... and it is hope it works ... dad or uncle launches missiles kid dies. Kyle specifically argued that if you committed murder and hid behind your sister, brother or father and kept shooting at the cops, it's the cops fault if your sister, brother or father died in the exchange which killed you. Kyle's argument is that you can hide behind your sister and kill as many people as you want.
Funny -- Gaza is a coastal "nation" with great beaches ... if they didn't spend their time and money being Nazis, (OK Kyle would be unhappy but) They would have one of the more prosperous tourist nations on the planet ... they have the sun, beach and proximity to ancient Biblical sites and are on the Friggin' Mediterranean and get tourist ships from every prosperous nation in Europe (except Germany).
OH and according to Wikipedia -- Bill was wrong -- Arabs got six Nobel's
► Egyptian Nobel laureates (4 P)
► Palestinian Nobel laureates (1 P)
► Yemeni Nobel laureates (1 P)
As for Jews, Wiki states they got 28 times as many (170): "Nobel Prizes have been awarded to over 850 individuals,[2] of whom at least 20% were Jews or of Jewish descent, although Jews comprise less than 0.2% of the world's population,[3] (or 1 in every 500 people). Overall, Jews have won a total of 41% of all the Nobel Prizes in economics, 28% of medicine, 26% of Physics, 19% of Chemistry, 13% of Literature and 9% of all peace awards."
So 2% Jewish, vs 5% of the world Arab world population in region around Israel -- Islamic population? 23 percent of the total global population of 6.8 billion. So ten times as many Islamic -- they should have won ALL the Nobel Prizes and been owed an equal number more... instead, apparently by accident, they got SIX.
Bill Maher Fellates Israeli Attacks On Gaza
ADDED NOTE: at 8PM EST 22 July 2014, Kyle posted this to Facebook:
 "Secular Talk Radio - The Kyle Kulinski Show Rats, I knew people would eventually find out I'm pro 'Nazi Constitution' (& murder)"


Anonymous said...

Netanyahu tells Likud hareidi leader Hebrew calendar will be official calendar of state in new Basic Law, Jewish law basis of legal system.

By Ari Yashar
First Publish: 5/9/2014

Binyamin Netanyahu at the Likud Conference

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu reportedly revealed at a Likud conference on Wednesday some remarkable facets of the Basic Law he submitted last Thursday, which would enshrine Israel's status as the nation-state of the Jewish people.

Netanyahu told the head of Likud's hareidi division Yaakov Vider at the conference that he intends to make the Hebrew calendar, which is based on Jewish law, the official calendar of Israel, reports Kikar Hashabat.

The new law also would establish the Talmud, the core work of Jewish law, as an official basis for Israeli state law.

"I'm going to personally be involved in the law defining the state of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people," Netanyahu reportedly told Vider. "It's a very important law that will influence how Israel will look in the future."

"I want to anchor in this law, that it will be a Basic Law that the state of Israel arose and exists on the basis of the Torah and the Jewish tradition," Netanyahu explained, promising to define the Hebrew calendar as the official state calendar.

Netanyahu also promised that "we will define in the law the Gemara as a basis for the Israeli legal system," referencing the Jewish legal text analyzing the Mishnah, a legal work of the Jewish sages, which together form the Talmud.

Discussing the new Basic Law on Sunday in a cabinet meeting, Netanyahu stated "the existence of the State of Israel as a Jewish state does not actualize itself enough in our Basic Laws, which is what the proposed law aims to fix."

Netanyahu stressed the law would not restrict the rights of non-Jewish citizens of Israel. He further dismissed opposition to the law by leftist MKs, foremost among them Justice Minister Tzipi Livni who pledged to block the law.

"They want a Palestinian national state to be built beside us, and to turn the State of Israel, meanwhile, into a bi-national state, Jewish-Arab, within our restricted borders," Netanyahu argued, saying the new Basic Law would prevent such a situation.

Anonymous said...


Foreword -- Daat Emet

For a long time we have been considering the necessity of informing our readers about Halacha's real attitude towards non-Jews. Many untrue things are publicized on this issue and the facts should be made clear. But recently, we were presented with a diligently written article on the subject, authored by a scholar from the Merkaz HaRav yeshiva -- so our job was done by others (though we have already discussed some aspects of this issue in the weekly portions of Balak and Matot). Since there is almost no disagreement between us and the author of the article on this issue, we have chosen to bring the article "Jews Are Called 'Men'" by R' David Bar-Chayim (in Hebrew) so that the reader will be able to study and understand the attitude of the Halacha towards non-Jews.

In this article R' Bar-Chayim discusses the attitude towards "Gentiles" in the Torah and in the Halacha and comes to an unambiguous conclusion:

"The Torah of Israel makes a clear distinction between a Jew, who is defined as 'man,' and a Gentile."

That is to say, any notion of equality between human beings is irrelevant to the Halacha. R' Bar-Chayim's work is comprehensive, written with intellectual honesty, and deals with almost all the aspects of Halachic treatment of non-Jews. It also refutes the statements of those rabbis who speak out of wishful thinking and, influenced by concepts of modern society, claim that Judaism does not discriminate against people on religious grounds. R' Bar-Chayim shows that all these people base their constructs NOT on the Torah but solely on the inclinations of their own hearts. He also shows that there are even rabbis who intentionally distort the Halachic attitude to Gentiles, misleading both themselves and the general public.

For the English readers' convenience we will briefly mention the topics dealt with in R' Bar-Chayim's article:

Laws in regard to murder, which clearly state that there is Halachic difference between murder of a Jew and of a Gentile (the latter is considered a far less severe crime).

A ban on desecrating the Sabbath to save the life of a Gentile.

A Jew's exemption from liability if his property (e. g. ox) causes damage to a Gentile's property. But if a Gentile's property causes damage to a Jew's property, the Gentile is liable.

The question of whether robbery of a Gentile is forbidden by the Torah's law or only by a Rabbinic decree.

A ban on returning a lost item to a Gentile if the reason for returning it is one's sympathy towards the Gentile and compassion for him.

The sum which a Gentile overpays in a business transaction due to his own error is forfeit; whether a Jew is permitted to intentionally deceive a Gentile is also discussed.
One who kidnaps a Jew is liable to death, but one who kidnaps a Gentile is exempt.
A Jew who hurts or injures a Gentile is not liable for compensation of damage, but a Gentile who hurts a Jew is liable to death.

Anonymous said...

One who overcharges a Gentile ought not return him the sum that the Gentile overpaid.

A Gentile -- or even a convert to Judaism -- may not be appointed king or public official of any sort (e. g. a cabinet minister).

One who defames a female proselyte (claiming that she was not virgin at the time of her marriage) is liable to neither lashes nor fine.

The prohibition to hate applies only to Jews; one may hate a Gentile.
One may take revenge against or bear a grudge towards Gentiles; likewise, the commandment "love your neighbour" applies only to Jews, not to Gentiles.
One who sees Gentile graveyards should curse: "Your mother shall be greatly ashamed..."

Gentiles are likened to animals.

If an ox damaged a Gentile maidservant, it should be considered as though the ox damaged a she-ass.

The dead body of a Gentile does not bear ritual impurity, nor does a Gentile who touches the dead body of a Jew become impure -- he is considered like an animal who touched a dead body.

One is forbidden to pour anointing oil on a Jew, but there is no ban on pouring that oil on a Gentile because Gentiles are likened to animals.

An animal slaughtered by a Gentile is forbidden, even if the ritual slaughter performed was technically correct, because Gentiles are deemed like animals. (Daat Emet does not agree that this is the Halachic reason for invalidating a Gentile's ritual slaughter -- but this is not the place to delve into the subject).

Their members are like those of asses" -- Gentiles are likened to animals.

Between the Jews and the Gentiles -- In the Aggadah, the Kabbalah, and in Jewish Thought

R' Bar-Chayim's arguments and conclusions are clear, Halachically accurate, and supported by almost all the existent major Halachic works. It would be superfluous to say that R' Bar-Chayim fully embraces this racist Halachic outlook as the word of the Living G-d, as he himself pointed out in the "Conclusion" of his article:

"It is clear to every Jew who accepts the Torah as G-d's word from Sinai, obligatory and valid for all generations, that it is impossible to introduce 'compromises' or 'renovations' into it."

On the other hand, we want to make it clear that Daat Emet -- as well as any reasonable people who do not embrace Halachic laws as the word of the Living G-d -- are repulsed by such evil, racist discrimination.

In the Hebrew text we have abridged the second part of R' Bar-Chayim's article,

"Between Jews and Gentiles -- In the Aggadah, the Kabbalah, and in Jewish Thought," because, in our view, the Halacha is the law which obligates every religious Jew while concepts of the Aggadah, the Kabbalah, and Jewish thought are not binding on anyone, as our rabbis have already written:

"And so the Aggadic constructs of the disciples of disciples, such as Rav Tanchuma and Rabbi Oshaya and their like -- most are incorrect, and therefore we do not rely on the words of Aggadah" (Sefer HaEshkol, Laws of a Torah Scroll, p. 60a); we have expanded on this issue in the portion of Vayeshev.