Wednesday, July 30, 2014


IDF Soldiers Killed in Booby-Trapped UN Building: Three IDF soldiers killed when explosives detonated within a booby-trapped UN building in Gaza. UNRWA yet to comment.

OK, there are missiles in the UN building and now boobytraps – when a UN school blows up – is it the UN that did it?

The UN is apparently anti-Israel … has been for decades … now we are seeing them get violent and, of course, blame Israel … but how do they blame Israel for killing its own troops with UN INSTALLED Boobytraps?

Hamas has also been using UNRWA schools as storage sites for its rockets – could they do that without full UN assistance?

Is the United Nations Relief and Works Agency a front for Arab Terrorism?  When a misfired Hamas Fajr-5 Iranian-made 100kg warhead destined for Israel struck a  hospital, the UN quickly blamed Israel – it is defending MURDER and, if they were a Nation State, War Crimes.  Note that the UNRWA has continued to hand the missiles back to Hamas, “endangering and jeopardizing Israeli lives.”  It is facilitating terrorism and murder – and apparently seeks to create World War Three and the eventual death of all Christians as well as all Jews.  If you doubt, why are Christians being attacked and killed within the nations openly boasting of sponsoring terrorism?

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