Friday, January 31, 2025

TRUMP CARD 2.0: POTUS 45 into 47 is now on Amazon

 we have a Hard cover 

TRUMP CARD 2.0: POTUS 45 into 47 

We have a Paper Back 

We know the average American lacks the intelligence to understand, but that's cool.
The DEATH OF AMERICA ... two months to watch... February 2027 and March 2034.

Let's see if they have the meaning the Quran gives them.  The second is affirmed by the Book of Revelation -- you have a decade.  Silent Generation does not care ... they'll be dead.
Baby-Boomers?  Well, the guys will be at death's door and the gals will still have a few years.
The rest of the idiots?   ENJOY.  If Religion and prophecy are correct, you have no future.
Gee, Christians are a Third of the global population... and their book says they die the final death... no Heaven for them.

And it all begins with Donald John Trump and those who are attacking him... Consider Adam Schiff... the most important consideration in the Cabinet Secretary hearings was the use of the word "WE"... credentials, positions, all the important stuff was less important than the use of the word "WE".

YEP.... America is screwed.  Impeachment is favored by 100,000 people ... and allowing illegals in is favored by many more... Oh, don't you like it?  Citizens are the new Native Americans and the illegals are the new colonists.

Friday, November 29, 2024

Kristin Chenoweth -- father Billy Eldridge identified ...

 While finishing my newest book, to be released on 7 December 2024, (eBOOK on pre-order) I learned Actress/Singer Kristian Chenoweth was adopted and supposedly the biological child of ZZ Top Musician Billy Ethridge.  The new book is here:

Forces involved in BEING ADOPTED Kindle Edition

Apparently not much is known of Ethridge, but, the data available allowed a Genealogy Census search and the data didn't match -- as you can see here: 
What does match indicates this Billy Mack Eldridge (From Find A Grave) is her father.
Apparently, he was married and a paratrooper -- meaning she was the product of an affair.  And, coincidently, that parallels the book.
 Of interest is the idea that her adoptive family are distantly related to my birth family and she appears to also be a POTUS COUSIN.
That her dad is part Cherokee is something I'm still tracing down.

More on this to come.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

TRUMP-HITLER-FASCISM reveals why Hamas has broad support - but didn't realize it

This arrival is interesting:

The article has its focus, but look at this paragraph:

"Hitler, in other words, won as much support as he did precisely because he was uncompromising, incendiary, and willing to battle Germany’s enemies — not despite those qualities. There was nothing coy about Hitler or the Nazis."

Now consider that the HAMAS CHARTER explicitly stated its goal was to eradicate the Jews and was then changed, or expanded, to say ZIONISTS.  A Zionist is anyone who accepts the messiah will appear in Zion -- which is the traditional name for the mountain range where Jerusalem is located.

So, do you believe in the biblical Jesus appearing in the next few decades? Do you buy into the Qur'an prophecy of the eclipse marking that return -- thus 20 March 2034???

A. Third of the western world believes and nearly that many support Hamas and seek to see the Jews eradicated.  Recognizing Jesus as a Jew means they want him dead before he can manifest the beginning of the new age... A era we know as the AGE OF AQUARIUS which began with a planetary shift in December 2012.

There is, for those interested in having AI do the search, A curious fact about people loving violence.  Its why the Romans had their combat arena and why action films are the most profitable franchises.  

Bet on history and natural human tendencies in half the population and you get WORLD WAR THREE in the biblically predicted 2033/4 time frame.  And, in many ways, it manifests in the idea that Hitler & Trump connect.  The reality that a determined strong leader who likes to win is going to attract most of the popular support.  Especially when opposed by a woman who can't even answer a simple policy goal question.

Comically, any woman who could, with intelligence and confidence assert leadership would turn a Trump or Hitler into a dish rag.  But that's why Trump likes strong women and appoints them to leadership positions without political pundits saying he should.  It is one of the things opposing politicians hate about him -- he actually leads.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

ONCE AGAIN the 4-Sisters prevailed

 Throughout United States history, every POTUS has been a descendant of 4-SISTERS who lived in 1170.

While the race seemed hard to call, once again, the 4-Sisters prevailed.  Trump won 312 Electoral College votes and too an overwhelming majority of the popular vote.  

Trump beat his previous vote, in 2016, by over 100,000 votes.  The only states he did not win were those that did not require a Photo ID.  Trump also set a record for Republican POTUS votes.

It is now up to the Democrats to either work to make the nation great or return to their Lawfare/Impeachment practices designed to cripple the nation.  If they repeat the previous Trump Administration activities they will condemn themselves to perpetual loss and turn the nation over to the Republican Party -- even unidentified voters will not be able to save them and they regress into their Civil War Era status of slavery promoters.

Now we still face the problem of 20 March 2034, when the Quran calls for a Messiah and World War Three -- the ultimate battle between good and evil.

Saturday, July 6, 2024


There is a major problem with predictions of future events -- you are either right or wrong.

If it's a dire prediction -- like so many of those made about Climate Change -- if you are wrong things continue as usual and you're an idiot.  This means the subject of your prediction can be denied.. even if there is a real issue involved.

Climate Change is a good thing -- if you aren't in the areas that will be affected by increased storms or floods.  In Maine, Climate Change means the usual 6-foot snow storms are reduced to a quarter of an inch.  It also means the normally seasonal low temperatures are higher than the historic standard and that means multiple savings -- no plowing of the driveway and lower heating bills.

I've played with predictions ... in multiple books over the past fifty years.  Here are a few recent books available on AMAZON:

ISRAEL SHALL BE FREE From the River to the Sea

Biblical Prophecy: Are we in the Revelation Era.

THE ALPHA QUESTION: The working title was GOD'S VIEW

These deal with one common element -- the probability of a Nuclear War in 2033/4.  In Islam, there is a prediction of the Messiah that applies to 20 March 2034 ... and demands a war.

We know that the history of Israel involves the idea that a time will come when they are no longer attacked and can live in peace -- this is the Messianic Prophecy of a Leader {or King} calculated to appear within the next decade.

Is it right or wrong?

A Messiah need only be a powerful or influential leader who assures that the State of Israel is secure.  

Comically, given that he recognized Jerusalem as Israel's Capitol, the next Trump administration could trigger the prophecy.  It need not be an action by Donald Trump -- at least not anything more than the person he selects as Vice President, who then becomes POTUS in 2028 and 2032 ... putting them in office when the current War, caused by IRAN sponsoring the genocidal HAMAS terrorists, goes international.

Iran is aligned with Russia and Russia is attacking Ukraine.  China is now playing games in the Pacific and has yet to fully commit to genocide and the murder of all the Jews or Zionists.

But it is moving in that direction.  China wants to kill those living in Taiwan and the Philipines ... that will trigger the Pacific portion of the war.

As pointed out in Biblical Prophecy: Are we in the Revelation Era, a third of life is to die.  We see extinctions due to Climate Change, and the Baby Bust will have the peak population drop by a third when the majority of Baby Boomers have died... 

The Baby Boom started in 1945.  The average life expectancy for all people on the planet is around 75... therefore, the formula  1945 + 75 = 2020 tells us the beginning of the decline.  If the outside date for that generation is 1965, then we see the effect in 2040.

With a global reproductive rate of 1.6 vs the stability rate of 2.1, the prophecy should be fulfilled by 2050.  Assuming a peak population of 9 Billion people, it is fulfilled if the 2050 population is about 6 Billion people.

Now, toss in a World War involving nuclear weapons -- and a nation like America that will refrain from their use until pushed by the death of the population living between New York and Washington.

Properly, to stop the war, someone should turn Tehran and Mashhad into the new Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

Politically people would scream ... but terrorism would end.  Israel cannot nuke Gaza because the winds would carry the radiation back onto its territory.  Lebanon and Syria face similar fallout problems if they were to nuke Israel (Iran would need to provide them with the bombs, which is why you take out Iran before they can complete the development of their nuclear war technologies).

This is the fun of projections and predictions.  If you are a Baby Boomer -- or a member of the Silent Generation that preceded them -- do you want to be alive to see if the prophecy is true?

We can look at the mess the USA government is in... think about it -- BIDEN, PELOSI, and all the others who are leaders in creating the problems ... they are the Silent Generation or early Boomers.  They will be dead when the product of their actions comes to fruition.  They can destroy the world because they aren't going to be here for that destruction.

The problem with predictions of future events is that those who can make them come true will not be around if the result is the worst possible outcome.  And if we look at their actions, we see they are working to ensure the worst-case scenario is the only one that can happen.

They have all the short-term benefits and none of the long-term risks or suffering.

Then we have the idiots in the younger generations -- those who attack Israel for defending itself, or support Project 2025, with its attacks on the economy, the least among us, health care, and those who have worked for their retirement.

   Have FUN ... be young ... be stupid ... and get what the Silent Generation is wishing upon you.

Friday, May 31, 2024

HUSH MONEY - Non-Disclosure Agreement and Politics

 On 30 May 2024, NY DA Alvin Bragg successfully prosecuted former President Donald John Trump and received 34 felony count convictions for accounting related to a Non-Disclosure Agreement termed "HUSH MONEY" by the media.

As a result, whether or not the verdict is overturned, members of the HONEST MEDIA (if any exist) who are covering political activities or campaigns now have the professional obligation to ask and demand an answer to the question: "Have you ever been a party to, or associated with a Non-Disclosure Agreement?"

The only acceptable answer is an immediate "NO."

If the individual hesitates, equivocates, or avoids answering, the presumption is they have been and it is something that could affect their campaign.

Interstingly, a yes requires them to disclose that which the NDA said was not to be disclosed.

Effectively, Bragg has made NDAs invalid in the political arena.

If the subject of the NDA could in any way alter a single vote, the data must be disclosed or be classified as Election Interference.

If the payments are reported to the tax authorities, the way they were classified -- if not specifically stated as an NDA payment -- would indicate tax fraud.  Thus, ALL NDAs -- politically related or not -- must be itemized as such.  They are NOT legal fees or a form of legal reimbursement except where the NDA association is clearly stated.

The Trump Trial Verdict has altered the law and media reporting responsibility.  There is also the possibility that suppressing or intentionally declining to report a story is now illegal.  The Media MUST report all stories that could impact public attitudes.

We know the Media will violate the legal mandate implied by the Trump verdict.  But we also know that the Judge, in his directions to the jury, specifically stated that inferred criminality is sufficient for a guilty verdict.

Juries no longer need "Beyond Reasonable Doubt."

Juries no longer need to see the Biblical test of TWO WITNESSES to an event.  Inferring it rained because the sidewalk is wet is sufficient to claim with certainty that it rained (as opposed to a street cleaner passing by and washing the street, or someone with a garden hose washing it, or that a tanker truck had spilled liquid on the street and sidewalk).

The core of American Law has been changed.

Cities or States can now invoke Federal Laws that the Federal Government did not believe were violated.  In the case of Trump, a CPA Accountant determined that a payment to an attorney for work performed, and expenses incurred in performance of that work, were LEGAL EXPENSES.

The costs must now be itemized in detail -- subject to appellate court review of the Trump verdict.

Given the established maximum penalty, trump can be fined $170,000 and sentenced to 136 years in jail.  Or he can be fined $5,000 and get four years in prison -- rather than four more years in the Oval Office.

Republicans impeached Clinton over sex but declined to go after the money aspect (over $800,000).  Democrats retaliated by impeaching Trump and going after the money ($130,000).

Since both impeachments failed, we now know that the proper state venue going after the money will achieve as much or more.

New York has now established it appeared to be anti-business.  This was done in a manner that made it clear that the Governor of New York had to issue a statement saying they were only going to prosecute Trump, and would ignore the same loan-related activities conducted by others.

However, the 30 May verdict now shows New York State is opposed to standard {LEGAL} business practices and that this extends to any practice designed to establish privacy or protect trade secrets.  For Trump, the possibility he had sex with a porn actress impacts the idea he could have had sex with a contestant in a beauty pageant.

Given that Trump's wife, Melania is a Beauty Queen, the fact that he needed to have sex with an overweight and basically ugly porn star is an insult to itself ample reason for a NDA.  If we assume they really did have sex -- which was only her word, and lacked witnesses to their meeting at the location involved.

Well, the weaponization of the legal system has been achieved.  Business in general is now exposed to any form of "crime" the DAs seek to assert for personal or political benefit.

America has become a Banana Republic and its economy, under the second term of Joe Biden which will undoubtedly be completed by President Kamila Harris after 2027, is headed down the toilet.

China is cheering.  While Russia and Iran are preparing to trigger World War Three.  All we need now is a Great Depression 1929 style collapse in New York to ensure the nuclear war occurs.      

Monday, March 4, 2024

RUSSIA and WORLD WAR THREE -- they win

Things are getting more interesting every day.  The Ukraine War is in its second year and Russia has aligned with Iran, while China seeks to keep both as friends and allies.

Russians are chess players, they play the long game and it is about to pay off in time to fulfill the predicted World War Three in 2033.

I KNOW -- YOU DON'T GET IT.  That's cool.

Russia wanted Afghanistan, so they gave the nation a highway that was later used to attack the nation -- it proved to be a big mistake.  Russia failed to allow for the fact that Afghanistan is a source region whose power dates back to the Sumerian and before that to the lessons taught by the highly advanced and civilized Annanuki.

The United States was stupid enough to attack Afghanistan, got a twenty-year war, and then decisively lost -- putting the Taliban in power.  The Taliban is aligned with Iran so is one step away from being a partner of Russia.  Russia's desire for a warm water port is the key behind the Ukraine war.

But the fun is in advancement.  Russia is somewhat backward.  It converted to Capitalism and Moscow now has more Billionaires per capita than any other city.  But it retained the low standard of living that lacks the reliance on the Internet -- a wise move.

Russia is building Satellites that can generate EMP bursts which will disrupt or destroy wireless communication and computer systems.  The United States is all wireless and is moving toward several internet-based systems -- digital currency and credit cards.

The USA is seeing the use of cash decline and it proudly becomes cashless.  But cashless means COMPUTER and INTERNET to process transactions, give the elderly direct deposit Social Security, and do all the other neat things associated with online banking -- including paying the credit card debt.  Checks are becoming a thing of the past, and when they aren't, they still rely on bank computers.

One properly directed EMP {Electromagnetic Pulse}ends business.  Early in February 2024, the Medicare computer went down and the recipients could not fill or refill prescriptions unless they wanted to pay the cost in full.  Two weeks in Medicare instituted a thirty-day refill program that assumed full coverage.

If an EMP triggers a computer glitch, there could be a power grid failure because servers are offline.

Russia could do that from space.  Then they launch their nuclear weapons -- they have 50% more than the USA and their bombs are more powerful.  A successful launch that hits New Jersey and Virginia takes out New York City and Washington about 15% of Americans and its major businesses.  A secondary effect could be sending the Nuclear Power reactors into meltdown, thus adding to the population and commercial damage.

In part, this was mentioned in ISRAEL SHALL BE FREE

Then there is China.  It's ready to command the Pacific Region.

Iran seeks to control the Middle East.

Europe will also get the EMP-Nuclear treatment.  NATO communications will be destroyed and Russia will yet to mobilize troops.

One of the preliminary actions will be from the Iranian-sponsored terrorists who are getting so much support after they attacked Israel.  If they can defeat Israel, or achieve a partition that has the appearance of being forced on them, they can then launch attacks in Europe, weakening NATO and diverting resources.  Trump's calling for NATO to pay its fair share will fall on deaf ears if those resources are needed to fight terrorism.

There is something else happening.  Global fertility rates are down to 1.6 where 2.1 is required for replacement -- population stability.  The Baby-Boom generation is now over 70 with an average death or life expectancy of 76.  That means, those born in 1948 have died or will soon die.  The Baby-Boom generation started in 1946 -- so most of them are dead.  Christians should be cheering -- the numbers mean a third of humans will be dead within the next two decades.

As the chart shows, in 2021 most of the global population was between 25 and 64.  The 64-year-olds were born in 1957.  The Baby-Boom Generation spans 1946 to 1964, so will exceed its life expectancy in 2040.  A Global War in 2033, with no babies, does serious damage to the developed nations -- or all the nations in the Northern Hemisphere where the World War will be fought. 

China has a population reserve but is concerned because the realities of its one-child policy have just begun to hit.

Consider Fertility rates for 2023/4:   India 2.312 births per woman;  Russia is reported at 1.826; China 1.707; USA 1.784; Israel 2.9

Israel is growing, China and USA are shrinking faster than Russia, India -- currently the second most populous nation, is growing and is a partner with Israel.  

If an American family wants to rule the world, they would need to have three children for every child born in the 1980s or 90s.  Keep that up {with three per marriage} for three generations and they control the nation.

The fun is, we get to see WW3 in 2033 -- the survivors of the first Boomer generation would be 87, and the last of that generation will be 69.  If the government is stupid enough to rely upon "boots on the ground" as it has in the losses since Korea, Vietnam, and Afghanistan, it will rely on those born between 1995 and 2015.  Basically, USA has NO ARMY to draw upon.

All will need to be drones and nukes.  And that means they are subject to EMP effects.  Russia wins using Iranian-terrorist boots on the ground while China destroys the Pacific and USA bases there.


It will be everything the prophecies dictate ... 

As the book points out, Ukraine and Israel are critical factors in future events.  Ukraine provides the opportunity to destroy Russia NOW before it can do its attack.  Israel takes its ancestral territory, fulfills prophecy, and destroys Iran.  China does as the book tells it to do and survives to prosper as the economic center of the new world.