Friday, September 16, 2022

New Step to World War Three and crash of Global Economy.

 The queen hoped the Commonwealth would be her legacy — but within days of her death, it’s in doubt 

The KEY to the POTUS COUSINS and POTUS as descendants of the 4-SISTER is that ancient link to the gals who go back to Charlemagne.

America and the British Commonwealth hold to that line.  NOW, with the death of the Queen, many nations are seeking to terminate the connection...that will lead to their destruction.

All that remains is for the United States to break the connection.  With Biden gone in 2024, his replacement will determine if the break finally happens.

TRUMP is out  ... he's not about to duplicate Glover Cleveland's separate terms.

BUT!  Will the winner be a POTUS COUSIN... if not, America crashes...  

It is now 16 September 2022... and the trend seems to be toward destruction.  Fall 2023 needs an economic crash... 2024 needs a non-POTUS COUSIN victory... then we are assured of WW3 in 2033/4.

Enjoy breaking the link... the Parties are determined to do it and the voters are stupid enough to let them.