Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Connection between Alex Baldwin & Adam Baldwin genealogy chart

 There are doubts about the connection between Adam & Alex Baldwin.

But, without a formal statement of Adam's parent's identity, we can only assert that the Balwin family came to Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois about 100 years ago.

Many in that line went into the movie and television industry -- and gained recognition.

For some unexplained reason, Adam Baldwin has not identified with his family -- has kept his parental lineage secret.   It is possible he did not wish to appear to be trading on their significant influence in the industry.



Tuesday, October 26, 2021


 "WHAT ARE THE NAMES OF ADAM BALDWIN'S PARENTS"  is probably one of the great mysteries of recognized actors with famous surnames.

May bios tell of his wife and children.  They tell where he was born and the high school he attended, but not the names of his parents.

Curiously, many Baldwins of movie note came from that town and high school -- all from the same immediate family.  If we assume Adam was in that family too, then he is a ninth cousin to Alec Baldwin and related to ALL the POTUS to date (as well as British nobility).

Why are his parents not mentioned?  Did he change his name to Baldwin, or is it he doesn't want the family connection established?

Monday, October 25, 2021

TEXAS fighting for self-destruction in COVID-19 era.


The three known ones work together to augment protection.
It appears that the vaccine helps fight OTHER medical issues -- related deaths are falling.
The vaccines have been approved for children 5-11 (with ramifications for their future health per #2).
If it turns out that the fall in other deaths is real (not just them being reclassified as Covid-19 as mentioned in the TRUMP CARD series), then the long-term benefits get interesting.
FORGET ABOUT COVID-19 -- it's a culling virus and does not kill by requires a fatal medical condition to exist (even if undiagnosed at the time of death).
If the vaccine allows the immune system to better attack diseases, then longevity should increase among the vaccinated young.
Thus, 70 years from now, the life average expectancy attained will be close to 90 years -- maybe over 100.
WEIRD extrapolation -- but it works.
NOTE, in 2050, Global Population will be about 5.5 Billion (instead of the current 8 billion) because the Boomers & earlier generations will all be gone, and we now have a Baby Bust that is reproducing at HALF that needed for a stable population -- (1.3 vs 2.1) no growth, just shrinkage.
ALSO NOTE: Evangelicals should be cheering and welcoming abortion -- they have a Messianic Prophecy that requires a third of life to vanish (or the combined total of all species to be reduced by a third).
Being anti-abortion seeks to combat the fulfillment of prophecy and therefore identifies the anti-Christs... now located in TEXAS & ALABAMA with a few other states talking of joining their ranks -- watch for major disasters in those states (as punishment)
If you believe in such things.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Covid 19 Pandemic has made no difference


The Pandemic has disrupted the economy and culture.

Curiously, for the better.

We now have WORK FROM HOME and more connectivity.  We also have a larger risk of disruption -- as shown by the seven-hour Monday 4 October FaceBook/Instagram/WhatsApp crash.

Looking at the death numbers for 2016/17 we see weekly average deaths that are consistent with the aging Baby-Boomers.

Note the jump between 2016 and 2017... the Boomers (born 1946) turned 70 in 2016, the life expectancy for Americans ranges between 76 and 79... so the death number MUST grow... if we assume it will be by roughly 2,000 per week each year, 61,000 dead per week would be expected...more if we do a proper demographic analysis.

2021 is right on target.  That means the virus hasn't really killed anyone.  It has only been a culling virus -- expediting deaths by a few months or, in the case of younger victims, exposing medical issues that would have killed the individual within a few years.

Clearly, MASKS & VACCINE ARE NECESSARY to protect those who have undiagnosed medical issues ... and those who have known medical issues.  For everyone else, we have no idea about the long-term effects or what mutations will develop if the virus is allowed to spread.