Date Line September 7, 2007
How many thing can be blamed on the Republicans and Right-wing evangelical support for the murder of Islamists in Iraq?
Well, apparently quite a bit.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention now reports, from 1990 to 2003, the suicide rate fell by more than 28 percent, from 9.48 to 6.78 per 100,000 among those between ages 10 and 24.
Basically, 1992 to 2000 were the Clinton years and the young could relate to someone who had their interests at heart. How easy for the young to relate to a sexually active, and emotionally open leadership.
Keep in mind that the latter part of the first Bush years were marked by the presence of Barbara Bush – everyone’s sweet grandmother.
Then came the current Bush era. First the Stock market folded; and it appears, with the sub-prime, ripoff the struggling poor, bubble bursting and the nation hemorrhaging debt obligations to foreign nations, the market is ready to tank before Bush exits (stage right-wing).
The prospect of no jobs, except one with the military and the prospect of being killed, maimed, mutilated, or mentally destroyed before any prospect of reaching thirty, is sufficient to ensure that suicides will increase.
If we add to that the very visible rejection of governmental mental care for those who serve; and the equally visible rejection of care for the families of those who serve, the future is dismal.
Bush has been very forceful in his assertion that those who do work, and are able to contribute to their futures through Social Security contributions, will receive nothing back.
Bush has clearly, and specifically, told the young that they will be screwed and that their world, should they select to live until it is theirs, is a place far worse than any their parents and grandparents knew.
The GOP is excellent at telling people they have no future. What do they offer? Right-wing evangelical salvation for those who are “good” and do as they are told by the Robertson-Farwell style demigods.
Of course, they look at these god want-a-be types and see people who live by the sword, hence shall die by it (no salvation there); people who cheat on their wives while screaming family values (no salvation there); people who refuse to help the sick, but scream they follow the teachings of one who specifically said the sick must be helped (no salvation there); those who turn their backs on their neighbors, especially when those neighbors are hard working immigrants seeking a better life (no salvation there either).
Everywhere you turn, you find a Right-winger screaming lies about what they stand for. They have never read, never comprehended, the contents of that which they call their Book, and the teachings of the man they claim is their savior.
Had they read the book, they would know that “Ye shall know them by their works” overrides the words and reveals the truth.
Find a reason to kill the innocent; allow the guilty to live in peace and safety. Therein will you find the creed of the Right-wing Conservative and its associated Evangelical Movement.
Kill followers of Islam before anyone heeds, or catches on to, the fact that they follow a doctrine which places that same savior as the head of an army which will destroy the Evangelicals.
Granted, the evils of mankind are not restricted to one belief system. If it were, we would not see Bush and Bin Laden working hand-in-hand to make way for global destruction and chaos. The young see it and they are opting out in the only way they know, the only way that is exclusively in their power, they are checking out of life.
Look for suicide rates to increase, not only among the young, but among all age groups. The old will select a fast death over the slow death which is being promoted through the denial of real healthcare to ALL who need it. Heed this prediction; for it is a time for prophecy.
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