TOTAL NATION DEBT, as of 6 October: $10.2 Trillion and growing at $3.2 Billion a day. FOUR BILLION due to Bush Administration which had entered office with a surplus budget which was reducing the debt. The estimated population of the United States is 305 million so each citizen's share of this debt is $33 thousand. Of that, $13.5 thousand is due to Bush/GOP economic policies. Note that this amount does not include the nearly three-quarters of a Trillion Dollars enacted on October 4th – about $2,300 more per-person debt (future tax) liability.
Jimmy Carter was the last post-war president to reduce debt accrued in World War II. While Clinton was saddled with paying off debt accrued by Reagan-Bush borrow and spend policies.
In the space of a mere twelve years, the Reagan-Bush VooDoo economic policies managed to fully reverse both the policy and rate of Federal Debt Reduction which had been in place for over thirty-five years (from Truman to Carter). For average Americans, those debt reduction policies defined created the most prosperous period in their history. Note that, for all the social turmoil a Nixon GOP administration produced, the Kennedy-Johnson Vietnam War era produced the steepest drops in National Debt and the greatest expansion of freedoms and personal security.
Let’s put that in perspective: In FY 2009, SSA will pay $683 billion in Federal benefits to nearly 56 million people. The fiscal meltdown resulting from GOP deregulation practices, begun by Reagan and promoted by both Bush presidents, last wee, cost more than the total projected Social Security payments for FY 2009.
Social Security payments, when represented as a percentage of National Debt, are six point three percent (6.3) – or roughly the debt service interest on the National Debt. Put another way, rather than debt interest, if we paid the Social Security, all funds received from payroll taxes could go to expanding the social safety net – without any effect on the economy or current tax structure. We could actually lower taxes for the average person without any detrimental effect on national security or government programs.
If we recall that Bush insisted the Social Security was going broke, and that your social security funds should go into the stock market – you realize that this Harvard and Yale traded executive, who made his millions by having his businesses go broke, who knew full well what was going to happen, wanted you to be in poverty. The GOP has been, since Reagan, seeking to bankrupt the average person – all the better to create a slave population.
In a few weeks you will have the opportunity to, and will, decide if you want more of these GOP policies. You will decide if you want a strong America, or a broken and destroyed one.
Remember, eight years ago you were warned what a Bush victory would bring. Now, based on all the (oft ignored) evidence out there, you are warned what a McCain-Palin, and general GOP, victory will ensure. This time around, the victory of any Republican, anywhere, will cast the seeds of national turmoil and destruction.
The famous sign carried by a street corner evangelical nutcase: “THE END IS NEAR!”
This is the year when we either endorse, or bring to an end, a twenty years pattern of borrow and spend Republican policies. This is when a GOP voter majority surrenders all hope of salvation for the generations to come. This is when voters decide they like impoverishing their child, and their children’s children by empowering McCain and, via mid-term succession, then Palin to take away their freedom, their liberty, and their wealth. “THE END IS NEAR” or not – voter choice.
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