The way things are currently being reported, it seems that Obama will spend his first term cleaning & rebuilding the house that Bush tried to destroy.
For more than eight years (beginning with the musing comment to vote for Bush just so I can see if he'll be as bad as I was projecting) I have pointed out that George Bush worked for Ben Laden and his father worked for the Saudi. The Saudi wanted Saddam taken out -- Bush senior failed. Ben Laden wanted Saddam taken out and the United States to run a TRILLION DOLLAR DEFICIT -- Bush junior succeeded. Now Obama has to clean up the mess and take out Ben Laden (The leader of Al Quada and architect of the World Trade Center destruction who Buss2 declared irrelevant in the world of terrorists).
Now we also have the problem of Health Care -- the Republicans want older and poorer Americans to die ... GOP Christian Evangelical backers want these people to die ... they care nothing for the sick and aged ... their opposition to universal care shows that ... at least we can take solace in the knowledge that these people will never enter any Heaven run by Christ ... how could they ... they openly oppose everything the gospels profess he taught. Fortunately for them, their belief that Christianity is a crock and it's base are idiots is truth -- unfortunately for the rest of us, the fact that the Christian base is composed of idiots is what has gotten us into the mess that Obama must now correct.
sigh ...
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