Monday, November 23, 2009

Watch and Count

Count the votes against Health CARE -- note the names.
Build a list of those who want Americans to suffer or die.
Wathc those who promote "The Most Harm to the Most People" self identify.
Note they will get away with it -- because most Americans would prefer to suffer.
If that were not true, they would not have elected Nixon, Reagan, or Bush.
Reagan doubled the national debt. Bush doubled it again.
Three-quarters of the current debt -- three-quarters of the $700 Billion in annual interest -- belong to two Republicans and the GOP who claimed fiscal responsibility while blowing the budget and sinking the nation.
There is a degree of magic associated with that $700 Billion in annual interest ... just one year and you pay for ten years of national health care ...

"The Most Harm to the Most People" - ignore it you are liable for all the harm it brings.

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