Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What the GOP has promoted

From The British Medical Journal:

The report indicates that maternal mortality ratios have increased from 6.6 deaths per 100 000 live births in 1987 to 13.3 deaths per 100 000 live births in 2006. Although some of the recorded increase is due to improved data collection, "the fact remains that maternal mortality ratios have risen significantly."

Amnesty points out that the United States spends more than any other country on health care, and more on maternal health than any other type of hospital care. "Despite this, women in the USA have a higher risk of dying of pregnancy-related complications than those in 40 other countries.

"For example, the likelihood of a woman dying in childbirth in the USA is five times greater than in Greece, four times greater than in Germany, and three times greater than in Spain."


This is one aspect of the GOP opposition to National Medical Care; it represents the result of actions which begun with the Reagan Administration and finalized by the two Bush administrations.

If you are foolhardy enough to debate the point, remember that it is the lives of your children and grandchildren … and great grandchildren … which are at stake.

YES!  We now have a new medical program --- dubbed OBAMACARE --- which the GOP seeks to repeal, or block implementation of.   Because of the GOP opposition to single payer care, the United States diverts funds into a healthcare system which is structured to deny care to those who pay them.  It is a system which pays people to say NO!

They want you to die – so long as the premiums are paid – and your employer will continue to pay … for coverage on you healthy replacement.

The most harm to the most people … the figures are coming in … albeit they being concealed in America and so we need to look to Europe to get the facts and truth.

This is an election year … we can expect GOP lies and dishonesty will gain victories … and more Americas will die at birth, or in their senior years.  These will be deaths which are unnecessary and, by the fact that they are premeditated, preplanned, and desired by the GOP … they are murders for which nobody will be held accountable.

In fact, if my assessment of the average intelligence of 30% of the population is accurate – and if they can convince half of those who are fence sitters – the GOP will garner rewards in the form of more power to obstruct the greater good … obstruct the health & welfare of Americans.  They will have the power to create another doubling of the National Debt – after the 2012 elections.

You’ve been warned.


A matter of interesting balance:,/p>

April 13, 2010
Maternal Deaths Decline Sharply Across the Globe

For the first time in decades, researchers are reporting a significant drop worldwide in the number of women dying each year from pregnancy and childbirth, to about 342,900 in 2008 from 526,300 in 1980.

The findings, published in the medical journal The Lancet, challenge the prevailing view of maternal mortality as an intractable problem that has defied every effort to solve it.


Gee ... in the rest of the world, the right to life improves. In the Evangelical-GOP Nation ... which touts and publicizes its beliefs in the right to life and fiscal responsibility ... GOP presidents double the national debt with their borrow and spend policies ... and fight healthcare which ... in the rest of the world ... makes it safer for women and children to survive childbirth ... THE MOST HARM TO THE MOST PEOPLE - the GOP & Evangelical way of life.

Don't you just love when liars are outed and those they lie to continue to accept their lies?

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