Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Again the GOP Hypocrisy

New York Times,  August 23, 2010, “A Real Debate on Taxes” … and a great line of reality:

“The Republicans are insisting on extending each and every one of the tax cuts forever. It is impossible to square that demand with their calls to reduce the deficit, so they do not even try.”

Fiscal Conservatism is based on BORROW & SPEND economics.  It would be no different than declaring that we should not work – rather we should all acquire credit cards and just spend.  Pay the cards?  Nope we will use a card to pay a card and then a card to pay that … until we die and our estate must pay.  Ultimately, the beauty of the matter is that our estate will never have to pay – the security on the card is not our assets, but rather our word.

What value the word of the dead?

Yes!  The Republicans and their evangelical base has decided that America – The United States -- shall die.  The Democracy … our Democratic Republic … shall be replaced by a Theocracy.  The dream of the evangelicals, the basis of all their beliefs and customs, is an end to democracy and a return to the aristocracy based upon the DIVINE RULE of a KING.

Every apocalyptic believer prays for the overthrow of democracy and the return to a KINGDOM of mindless serfs and slaves whose only occupation is to bow and worship.  There will be no freewill … because the world will be a world of slaves.

Come November – we will freely grant them their desire.  We will yield our freedom to the BORROW & SPEND reality that will bring an end to our nation and the freedoms … the human free will … it stands for.

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