Sunday, May 15, 2011

Theological Challenge to Islam

Jihadists believe they are doing the work of Allah; therefore they are justified in suicidal “Sacrifice”, or bombings, which take innocent lives of their own people.

The idea and act of suicide is forbidden under Islamic Law.  Thus those religious leaders who support it MUST justify it in the name of self-sacrifice.  It therefore follows that they are either right or wrong in their assertion – and every Jihadist is betting their immortal soul on that problem.  But the justification does not explain away, or excuse, the strongly forbidden murder of innocents.  Thus, absent the latter being excused and justified through the literal meanings in the Koran, there is no justification to save those whose actions kill innocents who were foreknown to be where the bombs were detonated – it is even less justified if there are no pre-identified infidels there.

Hence this is not the act of the religious – but rather it is that action of irreligious deceivers and servants of “The Great Satan”.

In that regard, it is in the interest of those who wish to destroy Islam that the suicide bombings occur.  The bombers are doing the work of  “The Great Satan” – work designed to further the Satanic destruction of the Innocent Faithful.

The body counts, and details of the victims support this conclusion:  The alleged Jihadists are, in fact, servants of those who would destroy Islam.  Therefore, they are to be praised by all who would see the death of the Islamic Faithful – those who oppose Isa and his army.  They and their supporters are eternally damned in the eyes of The Prophet (Blessings be upon him) and knowingly accept their fate.

Those in the West who wish the destru7ction of Islam are, without question, those who Trained Osama Bin Laden and allowed him to live in comfort in Pakistan for the past decade.  Obviously, they no longer control the Whitehouse – ore represent the individuals in the GOP who openly declared Bin Laden irrelevant to the alleged “War on Terror” which was, in fact, a war on Islam supported by Bin Laden and his Al-Qaeda followers.

Look at this objectively:  How many resources are devoted to the destruction of, or inflicting harm upon, those who live peaceful Islamic lives?  How many resources are diverted from making those lives better?

Those who represent evil engage in actions which bring hardship upon there own – to a degree far in excess of any brought upon the alleged “enemy”.

On all levels, the Islamic Theologians are confronted with the ultimate need – the need called for at the time of judgment & reward – to excuse the massive harm being imposed on the faithful by those who murder innocents.

There shall be no “eternal reward” – no 72 virgins – for those who … like Hamas, the Taliban, and Al-Qaeda … are covertly working for The Great Satan.  No other reward but His eternal gratitude and the torture they volunteer to be subjected to.

There are NO Islamic Theologians who can challenge this reality.  

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