To understand the Tea Party, while it strives to deny medical care to those Americans most in need of help, it continues its pattern of hate by also ignoring the need of those in the Philippines who are reeling from yesterday’s devastating typhoon … a storm which left 10,000 people dead, 800,000 missing and whole neighborhoods flattened – a storm now headed toward the Asian mainland, while millions are fleeing.
As the Tea Party cheers the destruction, in America, Jewish (not Christian) organizations are already mobilizing aid. We see Jewish and Israeli aid agencies stepping up to provide emergency relief – being Good Samaritans and not asking to see the victims wallets, or any other credentials before helping – something the Tea Party supporters would never think to do.
If you belong to the Tea Party, you vet every person and only help those who can show they are rich and powerful … then you bleed the poor and helpless to provide that help.
Watch the news – let us see how long, if at all, it takes before Ted Cruz asserts the need to address this disaster. In all likelihood he will remain true to his organizations character and say nothing. He, like the rest of the Tea Party, are only interested in causing the most harm to the most people – salvation, compassion, and any sense of morality are completely beyond their comprehension.
Look at the Philippines and those who are rushing to its aid: A very Catholic country with a major Muslim population on its southern Island, which is being helped – without thought or hesitation – by the world’s only Jewish State, and Jewish organizations from other nations … No Evangelical Christians, no Tea Party supporters … just Jews helping Catholics and Muslims in need… the epitome of the much touted Good Samaritan ethic proclaimed by Jesus.
Seems like more evidence of the reality of “Saint Paul’s Joke”.
As Pope Francis I said, today, Jews are the Elder Brothers of his Church, and like any good elder brother, they have set aside past, and even current, conflicts to save their younger siblings who are now in dire need of help.
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