Friday, July 25, 2014

Terrorist Iraq Joins The Game

Islamic State Blowing Up Iraq's Tomb Of Jonah the fun has really begun.

Recall the start of Hitler’s move to power – “the night of broken glass”  [kristallnacht] – Iraq has destroyed, has blown up, the tomb of the Prophet Jonah in Mosul.  This is a dual Holy Site for both Christians and Moslems.  We are talking “Jonah and the Whale”.  The Tomb symbolized: questions of justice, obedience, providence, fairness and divine mercy.  It’s destruction symbolizes the end of those goals throughout the Islamic World.

This action symbolizes that the powers in charge – those who are promoting Terrorism and the slaughter of innocent Islamists, is going to be one of “total eradication not just of their enemies but even of the possibility of people living together under their rule.”

In December 1997, Terrorist destroyed the 55-meter tall Buddha in Bamiyan, Afghanistan; In September 2001, they destroyed the World Trade Center; that same year the Taliban destroyed other Bamiyan Buddhas; Christians destroyed Mosques during the Crusades and brought on the Dark Ages and the division of Christianity into all the various sects and denominations we have today; before that, Rome murdered Jesus and destroyed the Second Temple Jerusalem and set the stage for their renamed, or redesigned, religion of Hercules to become Christianity, complete with their gift giving Saturnalia Holiday being now designated the birthday of one who was born in the Spring.

We are, if the Jewish prophecies are correct, now in the age described in the Book of Revelation – the age in which the Koran dictates an Army in White, lead by Jesus [ISA] is to rise up against the evil Arabs and Christians to wipe all of them from the face of the Earth.

A Third of ALL Life will vanish [including a third of all plant, insect, animal and human].

We can laugh at that – or take a page from Ted Cruz’s December 20013 rant about the American Affordable Care Act:  “IT’s WRONG, IT’s, It can never not happen, but we aren’t going to offer an alternative, we are going to stand by and let people die… we are going to let them die because it is wrong to attempt to provide them life saving healthcare, it is wrong to make an attempt to be a Good Samarian, it is wrong to say, “I see people suffering in the street and will make every effort  to help and care for them.”

Islamic Clerics, Hamas, the Taliban, ISIS, and Ted Cruz’s and the Tea Party Movement all agree, the innocent must die.  THE MOST HARM TO THE MOST PEOPLE must become the rule of law throughout the world.

It begins with the destruction of the symbols of peace – the destruction of a Buddha, a Temple, a mother and child in the marketplace – or a child at a border crossing.

  A combination photo of the 55-metre-high Buddha statue in Bamiyan, central Afghanistan in December 18, 1997 (left) and after its destruction on March 26, 2001. It has been ten years since the statue was destroyed by the Taliban on March 2, 2001. REUTERS/Muzammil Pasha, Sayed Salahuddin/Files (AFGHANISTAN - Tags: RELIGION POLITICS ANNIVERSARY)

Destroy the Buddha

Reduce a Temple or Shrine to rubble.

As reported in SAINT PAUL’S JOKE, an Irish monk named Malachy wrote a list of 112 popes – the last one possibly being the current Pope Francis (if Francis will walk in the footsteps, and assume the role, of Peter).  In the lifetime of the final pope, the 112th pope, Rome will be destroyed.

Is the destruction of this shrine and the attacks on Israel, the first in a series of steps which will see Rome in rubble?

Fortunately one need not believe in such nonsense – belief is not going to cause it to happen, nor will it cause it not to happen.  What will affect the outcome is the nonsensical way we chose to treat our fellow man.

Hitler was just one of the more recent ones to prove we chose to murder those who are more educated and in may ways more intelligent than ourselves… and almost anyone is more more intelligent than someone who will blow themselves up to kill their neighbors wife and child – and still assert there is a deity who will reward them for those murders.  DEATH OVER LIFE is the choice being made.


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