Millions of seniors depend on the Older Americans Act for warm meals, reliable transportation, and other critical help to stay healthy and safe in their homes. But gridlock on Capitol Hill has held up a vote – and TODAY (11 December 2014) is the last day that Congress can renew the Older Americans Act.
This is when Congress – which will soon to be the fully Republican Controlled Congress – sets the agenda for 2015/16.
This also happens to be the year when the first of the Baby-Boomers turns 70. Thus it is the age when Seniors of that generation are clearly defined as Social Security recipients and as “Older Americans”. The Baby-Boom generation officially ends and enters the transitional stage to be the Old Folks at Home. For the next 20 years, they are the soon to die off generation. So the issue is: do the Republicans care?
If they were Bible believers, they would be falling all over themselves to do things for the elderly; do things to honor the “Peace & Love”-“Vietnam Vets” generation.
We already know they spit on Vets – so much so that the Vets are dead in the streets; homeless or suicides, when they should be warm, fed, clothed and shown respect for honoring the will of the idiots who, for no real purpose except to kill, sent them to Vietnam. Their leaders were those who didn’t have enough war with World War Two and had to continue it as a Cold War and practice sessions killing innocent people – still they obeyed because they were good, law abiding, Americans. The kind of people the Republican DEEDS show they seem to hate.
“Peace & Love”, the Baby-Boomers, gave us our music, movies, computers and all the benefits of our modern post-war society. Naturally they should be hated by the Republicans, who will express that hate through a failure to both pass and expand the Older Americans Act.
The Older Americans Act and much, much more is required to show you Honor your father and mother, you honor those who went before you, you honor the nation and want it to be seen in history as a nation deserving of honor – especially if you are a Bible waving believer who knows that, to be valid, the Book of Revelation and all it stems from MUST be fulfilled very soon.
The Book of Revelation timeline is 2000 years – then we know if it is valid or not. If from the true year in which Jesus was born, that period ended in 1992; if from the Hebrew Calendar node used as the start of the Christian Calendar, then 2000 marked the end; if from the Crucifixion, than 2030-2034 would be the ending period; and finally, if from the destruction of the Temple, 2070.
As you can see, when the Book said we would not know the exact date, it had a valid basis. But as each date passes, and is stricken from the possible, and rendered impossible, the dates narrow down to only one. But that one must also accommodate the other events.
As we know, in the book, "Death Over Life: Secret of Revelation: A Prophecy of America's Destruction", all the Horsemen have been fully accounted for by real world historical events. Only the fall of the modern Babylon is left – is that great city the leader of the world, a place called Washington DC? Or is it the site of Babylon – a place inside modern Iraq, which fell to American forces and continues to fall to Islamic Jihad forces?
If the true Babylon, it has fallen. If the symbolic one, it will fall in 2015/16. Does the symbolic honor its ancestors? Or will its new leaders spit upon them as they do the future of their nation?
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