Monday, January 5, 2015

American Stupidity on the Rise

Look at this:


Supposedly this reflects whatever you want to read into it:

welfare, corporate subsidies, even Social Security – maybe National Defense? How about government paychecks?

In reality,  it is a totally asinine FoxNews Tea Party Republican logic post/statement/relationship.

Everything in you exchange goods for services or other goods, what you receive came from somebody else.  It comes from their sweat and labor – you don’t like your labor going to others?  Than don’t batter it or exchange it for the product of the labor of others.

But ALL MONEY STARTS WITH THE GOVERNMENT... so all money comes from the government ... unless you take the US Treasury out of the money printing business.

Thus this is a FoxNews quality relationship and does not reflect reality.

Americans are getting really really stupid.

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