Saturday, September 24, 2016

Will Republicans shut down government?

It's reported that Ryan would not put anything on the House floor that doesn’t have a majority of Republicans supporting it"  and apparently they are planning to crash the government budget on September 30th.

Representative Bill Flores (Texas), who is chairman of the 170member conservative Republican Study Committee, said he wanted a short-term bill to include language ‘‘to stop Obama..."  But a "SHORT-TERM"  Bill, not a real budget to keep the nation running smoothly.

Naturally, in accordance with THE MOST HARM TO THE MOST PEOPLE agenda and budget would exclude funds for Planned Parenthood or funding to combat the mosquito-borne Zika virus -- linked to birth defects in pregnant women.  If they can harm women and children, they accom[plish one long-term aspect of their customary sub rosa platform agenda.

Would the shutdown help or hurt the almost surefire victory by Trump?

Will the Republicans finally get their wish and destroy  America?  Or will intelligent voters prevail?  FIRST DEBATE in two days ...  

Evangelicals should be in "HEAVEN" -- the prophecy is being fulfilled (not that anyone really cares, better to be surprised at their own stupidity).

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