Wednesday, October 28, 2020


OK KIDDIES, the MSM is saying the market decline has something to do with Covid-19.  But that's BULL... look at 2016 over 2020... when, starting in August 2016, Hillary Clinton was projected to be the winner, the DJIA decided to go downward.

As Hillary's prospects seemed to improve in September, down went the DJIA and it struggled in a 350 point trading range and as the election grew near... it broke out to the downside by 150 points.

Now, on 28 October 2020, we see the voters supposedly brushed off the clear evidence of quid pro quo criminality and laundering of bribes through the Biden family members.

California POLLED for Biden to a greater extent than the votes for Hillary in 2016... New York might do the same, but De Blasio is a drag on the Pelosi-Schumer Swamp Denizen dominance.  Still, Texas is now a coin toss and 70+ million votes have been cast and effectively locked-in... Biden seems to have them.

As a result, the DJIA dropped 2000 points in 72 hours... six days, or four trading days left...  the DJIA could easily sink another 4000 points... and when Biden is proclaimed the victor, the real crash begins.

Are we really that devoted to having a criminal in the Oval?  Do we really want another GREAT DEPRESSION -- because a recession is not on the table ... too many other nations are having issues and China is ready to take over.... naturally, Biden will assist them.

LOL, YOU WERE WARNED -- throughout the 10 TRUMP CARD BOOKS -- and now you seem to be the obstinate little girl in the Willy Wonka story ... you went ahead and did what you were told to avoid ... but the #NOJOE MOVEMENT still has a fighting chance.

If the #NOJOE MOVEMENT is victorious,  the next few days are a rare buying opportunity for the elite 1%...or those with a few pennies in the coffee jar and under the mattress.  But if it fails... every one of those who invest is SCREWED!


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