Saturday, September 11, 2021

I AM [by] GOD was published on Amazon 11 Sept 2021

A curious short book that warns those who believe such things that they are in the final days of the REVELATION Prophecy.

For non-believers, it looks at the patterns or path that has made it possible to fulfill prophecy -- FREEWILL... the choice people make.  Consider the PANDEMIC... Texas and anti-Abortion Law that says life starts with a heartbeat (and not a functional brain).

Those who do not wave the bible and, therefore, do not try to use it to subjugate people, will enjoy the fact the Texas believers (and their kinsmen in other states) have promoted a law that is ANTI-BIBLE.

YEP!  TEXAS IS OPPOSED TO THE BIBLE and proved it with the anti-abortion law.

For those who what to look it up... there are multiple instances... We have an attack on a pregnant woman which causes the death of the fetus (which Texas could have used by defining any non-medically required abortion as an assault) and the idea that the fetus is property -- belonging to the Husband.  Thus the husband must be paid the value they set on the child that would have been born.

 the legal workaround is permission from BOTH woman and husband.  If she was raped -- sorry guys, looks like that's her call.  If she is married and was impregnated by someone other than her husband -- abortion is MANDATORY.  (YEP, it's in "THE BOOK")

However, when Texas says it's a "human life", as opposed to just "life" (a flower or bug is "life"), They LIE!  Bible says some part of the fetus bust voluntarily exit the womb before it has a BIRTHRIGHT, and the census (or other rights laws) does not count a fetus.  Citizenship is also based on BIRTH NOT CONCEPTION ... which would be a neat idea if they used it against pregnant illegal immigrants to deny the resulting USA soil-born child citizenship.

The Bible also says life begins with the FIRST BREATHE ... so abortion before the start of natural labor would be OK... it's not life.  If it were life -- fire the DAs and Politicians who do not charge the doctors or abortionists with murder... their failure to do so shows they know they are liars and deceivers of men ... Watchout Bible Thumpers, backing and promoting "Deceivers of Men" is a major sin.

But, all that diverges from the book which points out that education should be free.  And, economically, a Universal Basic, 140% of poverty, Income also makes sound economic sense and is supported by the Bible. (It eliminates all Welfare and related programs while ensuring the small essential businesses have customers. {!DO THE MATH!)

As stated, we've gotten into the final stage of Revelation -- which was only recognizing how society changes, and that the changes fit a predictable pattern. 

The final days are due ... 2025 could be critical to Climate Change ... and a third of life {relative to its forming peak population} will be dead by 2052.

Do we need a Third World War?

NOPE.  But it seems many would like it to happen.  And agents like the Taliban have a choice... Afghanistan can become the most economically powerful nation on the planet, or China can destroy it and take the wealth it contains.  {If not China, there are others in the Muslim World who will happily take the wealth.}

 Enjoy the nonsense ... "I AM [by] GOD" will allow you to see it as it develops, otherwise you'll need to observe in hindsight.   


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