Thursday, May 12, 2022

ABORTION's pro-life side is Satan's job and carried out by his team...

Before the Civil War,  Abortion was legal and a woman's choice.  Benjamine Franklyn even published the recipe for an abortion elixir.

Then, after the Civil War, an element of the country wanted revenge on the rest of the nation.  Abortion was outlawed... other things were made against the law... we entered the new century and they came after Alcohol; when that failed, they went after Pot...

They also played the TAX GAME -- exempting themselves and their groups, but hitting the lower segment of the working economy.  this was fun... passing LOOPHOLES that allowed the rich to keep their money and making work for accountants who specialized in tax evasion... as Graduate accounting Professors are known to introduce their course: "This course is about how you keep your ill-gotten gains out of the hands of the tax collector."

We hear that Social Security is running out of money... but it is a pay-as-you-go system and is running out of money because there is a fixed cap on income subject to contributions ... inflation raises incomes, and thus pushes more income past the cap... so no money comes in to pay those who once could live comfortably on even minimum Social Security -- these we have the welfare subsidies and the attacks on those sponging off the system because they are on welfare.

COMICAL ... push people onto welfare with below poverty minimum wages and poverty level Social Security ... then bitch about them...

But that's different from Abortion.  OR IS IT?  A family cannot afford another baby... but they are to give up sex so they don't have any ... or they are held responsible because that 1% failure rate in birth control hit them...

No abortion and we increase deaths due to pregnancy -- EVANGELICALS QUIETLY CHEER that and push to sustain death rates... no death... then poverty and they can bitch about welfare costs... that they have forced higher...  Naturally... it affects minorities more... but that too is part of their game plan.

Evil quietly promotes evil by hiding in among screams about morality...  The moral person would happily support the poor and provide them with medical care -- the way Jesus said to do... but the Evangelicals worship satan... and plan to send everyone to hell... ideally they will fun the incompetent weapons that will bring mass destruction ... waste money there -- never use the money to make the people stronger and more intelligent... only make the economy weaker... as our good Catholic President is doing ... didn't the Catholics provide us with Witch hunts and Inquisitions, Slavery, and mass murders or mindless Crusades?




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