Saturday, June 30, 2007

Which Body in Spacetime?

Date Line June 30, 2007

Einstein, Spacetime, the quest for a unified field theory, or shall we quest for a unified creation theory?

In a mind experiment, Einstein envisioned spacetime as a sphere upon which the surface inhabitants had no up or down dimension. This was a structure which allowed the prediction of a Black Hole, and defined infinity in terms of a finite realm.

Now consider religious structures, including reincarnation, in terms of Einstein’s spacetime construct.

As each entity reincarnates as a different life form, or incarnation of a recently deceased (ala Dali Lama and Buddhist monks), it enters upon either a new path or a continuation of an established one.

Leaving aside discussion of continuation along a single path around the spacetime sphere; one which leads back to the beginning point, and is thus an infinite circle consistent with Buddhist and Hindu belief.

Let us consider the changing of a path, or a modest deviation from a previous life path. Of necessity, as that new path travels the sphere it will cross the old at some points. The overlap might even be sufficiently close as to effectively coincide (at the margins) for a brief span. We can define brief span as a lifetime, and allow recognized contact as presenting itself as shadows of things to come.

At such times, under such conditions, the more enlightened soul would be able to see, and express their seeing of, the previously traveled path. The future of the old line would then parallel, or approximate, the new line as it traverses the adjoining surface area of the spacetime shere.

In effect, the reincarnated entity would know the future because it was their past in the earlier lifetime represented by the adjoining path being touched.

Obviously, proximity allows for strong similarities in possibilities and outcomes. To picture this, imagine two people walking a dirt road. One might trip on a stone, while the foot of the other might fall next to it. Similarly, one might see a stone and comment on it before the other actually has the opportunity to trip over it.

Prediction, prophecy, foresight, is little more than observing another’s path from the vantage point of a place slightly to the side of their line of travel; or from the vantage point of a view they do not have. Yet both would be knowledgeable of the same pathway, and there is no “magic” to it.

The key element, given that Theory of General Relativity is correct, and that quantum physics has a joining point withing the realm of the constants which define the orders of magnitude, precognition is nothing more, or less, than an observer’s previous experience, under roughly identical circumstances, being expressed knowingly.

When we pass, when our reincarnated selves cross, a point we have crossed before, we each have a sense of deja vu. But, it is only when we cross a spacetime continuum we have previously lived, while traversing on which is closely related, or briefly parallel to, that prior incarnation.

The delight of this metaphysical version of Einstein’s Relativity is that it can be seen in the predictive forces we experience daily. We each have a time when “we know” something is going to happen. We have a feel, and when we change of behavior to accommodate that feeling, we will speak for days, months, or even years of it, providing that feeling proves demonstrably correct.

Of course, doubters will assert the changes do to a feeling which they assert “proved” to be wrong. Of course, they do not know who else had a similar feeling upon which they too acted; nor can they assert that the act of altering their plans was not sufficient to alter the even.

How is that possible? The person who feels a plane will crash, so does not board it; that person changed the weight of the plane; certainly altered the stress patterns at the quantum level; and so altered factors which might have been responsible for the foreseen crash.

Hence they actually prevented the crash and saved all the related lives which would have otherwise been lost. The beauty? They will never know for sure. We only know that which is not altered by the very act of our observing them; that is the only truth we have.

Spacetime physics becomes metaphysics, and validates some religious beliefs at the cost of others. Yet, it also validates, or could be held to validate, those which were seemingly invalidated.

A Buddhist reincarnates, Jesus resurrects, the difference? Only the existence of a woman and a birth canal. Why different over same?

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