Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Evolution is Biblical

Date Line July 4, 2007

How do we rationalize, or reconcile, scripture and evolution? Why would we want to? It is so much easier to denounce the stupidity of Creationists as their Evangelical leaders lead the nation, and the world, into the deep abyss of global disorder.

Terrorism can be a joke, acting out by those same insane classes of individuals who believe, even insist upon, Armageddon and ignorance as guiding forces of world culture. Fundamentalists, Christian or Islamist, are people who worship irrationality and deny reality.

However, today we wish to reconcile the presentation of facts, and see if it is possible that they were gotten right, or wrong, within the context of what we now know to be the process of universal evolution.

We turn to Genesis and we are confronted with evolution. Beginning with an entity, a starting point, there is a word, a noise, which yields in the proper sequence the evolutionary structure that contains, and lead to, the creation of the earth.

We read and see right up to the point where humanity is born. Before the birth of man, there is no real time; there is no framework for time as we know it.

Here is where the fundamentalists make their first mistake; they insist that a day, based on revolutions around the sun, be the unit of measure when discussing movement relative to the center of creation. That is, they continue the mediaeval concept of the Earth as the center of the Universe. Talk about the denial of reality.

Once man is born, there is the man of beasts; we are specifically told that his companions are beasts. Creatures of X and Y chromosomes, one of who is primate, know only each other.

Then, during the universe day in which man appears, man sleeps and awakens to a mate. She has double X chromosomes and, clearly, from a genetic science viewpoint, could only have evolved from man.

Shall we fault the writers for believing surgery was the source?

Woman, these creatures of hunter-gatherer tribes, must determine that which is poison from that which is not. One plant, which apparently belonged to a class of plants that was known to be poisonous, existed.

Now the man acted out of custom and “common wisdom” style belief. Woman, read the signs. She observed other creatures eating of parts of the plant; and doing so without harm to themselves.

Humanity evidences a universal insistence on conformity. Humanity, or shall we say men, insist on regimentation of both mind and body. It is nonconformist to challenge established wisdom; nonconformity is a sin which leads to certain death. To foolish men, it is original sin.

Fundamentalists thrive on conformity to the point of suicidal stupidity. Fundamentalists lack “Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding”; they lack what scripture declares “three parts of the spirit of God”.

Shall we conform to the point of our own death?

Energy, Nuclear or fossil, pollutes for generations; shall we conform to the insistence of fundamentalists like (Bush or Bin Laden followers) that we promote these energy sources and give them special economic support? Unlike a fruit of Eve fame, if you do so, you will surely die.

The poison fruit proved to be the “Tree of Knowledge.” Humanity did not die, but neither did it continue a life of animal ignorance and blind drives toward reproduction. Humanity could control its own future.

Marriage laws, evolution controlled by custom. Read the laws, understand that they not only believed in evolution, but had learned to master its primary tool; it introduced, to humans, selective breeding.

The peak of the breeding chain was the rabbinical, the priestly scholar who was to be supported; the goal which was to be attained, the master of knowledge, basin of wisdom and understanding.

Biblically, the Levites were the nobility warriors and priests. All other tribes were menial workers and support who provided a source of worthy genetic diversity.

Those who were scholars within a base tribe could marry into the class of leadership (early Brahmin and Levite). Due to limited numbers, most of the time, the new arrivals would “Daughter Out.”

Gender based genetic markers for new male lines would eventually lead to all daughters; the male marker, the yDNA would vanish into a sea of mtDNA; they would “Daughter Out” and quickly learn the importance of having sons.

Evolution, every step of it, permeates the scriptures and cultures which gave those scriptures to us. The calendar of these cultures begins with the wisdom; the self-realization, that came with Levant Farming .

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