Friday, October 9, 2009

Barack Obama Nobel Peace Prize

U.S. Republican Party Chairman Michael Steele contended The President won the Nobel Peace Prize based upon his "star power" rather than meaningful accomplishments.

List of American Nobel Peace Prize winners:
1906 -- Theodore Roosevelt, United States (14 Sept 1901 – 4 Mar 1909)
NOTE: He bailed from the Republicans to join the Progressives.
1912 -- Elihu Root, United States
1919 -- Woodrow Wilson, United States (17 Jan 1911 – 1 March 1913)
1925 -- Charles G. Dawes, United States
shared with Austen Chamberlain, United Kingdom;
1929 -- Frank B. Kellogg, United States
1931 -- Jane Addams, United States;
shared with Nicholas Murray Butler, United States
1945 -- Cordell Hull, United States
1953 -- George C. Marshall, United States
1964 -- Martin Luther King Jr., United States
1970 -- Norman Borlaug, United States
1985 -- International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, United States
1986 -- Elie Wiesel, United States
2002 -- Jimmy Carter, United States (20 Jan 1977 – 20 Jan 1981)
2009 -- Barack Obama, United States
!!! Awarded less than Nine Months in to FIRST TERM !!!

From the looks of this, (unless they were adult Republicans prior to the Depression) the Democrats stand for peace and the Republicans for war. Note that the only Republican President to achieved "Star Power" bailed out of that party.

Guess that means no Republican has "Star Power" ... Republicans are all "B" Actors on the global stage who promote weapons build-ups and the killing of innocent people.

Now history tell us one thing -- Americans will turn their leadership to war and marginalize any President who stands for gets the Nobel Peace Prize. Of course, if we go by 1931, America gets a two-fer and some European or Asian nation will start a World War.

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