NEWS 7 October "CBO Says Senate Health Bill Would Expand Coverage, Reduce Deficit"
Key Paragraph:
"The bill would cost $829 billion over the next decade, but would more than offset that cost by slicing hundreds of billions from government health programs such as Medicare and by imposing a 40 percent excise tax on high-cost insurance policies starting in 2013."
Interesting ... how long ago did I say this?
Didn't I include something along these lines in my open letter to Senator Snowe???
Here's the projected savings line: "All told, the package would slice $81 billion from projected budget deficits over the next 10 years,..." add to: "It would also expand coverage to 94 percent of Americans by 2019, the CBO said, up from the current 83 percent." GEE: THIRTEEN PERCENT increase (nominal 11 points on 83%) and WE SAVE MONEY!
Now the math is so clear that we know the Republican party must oppose it!
If it doesn't raise the deficit the Republicans cannot possibly support it. Doubt that ... Reagan & bush each doubled the deficits they took over when they entered office. Democrat Clinton decreased it and had a budget surplus. Republicans must borrow and spend -- and they must ensure the average citizen receives absolutely no benefit.
Being fiscally rational is to be anti-Republican practices, but pro-Republican rhetoric ... it is, after all, an irrefutable fact of history.
Americans are stupid. THey must prove it -- especially when it contributes to their suicidal desire for self annihilation ... therefore, guess we will not have rational healthcare.
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