Wednesday, March 3, 2010

DEATH PANEL VOTE! (March 2010)

"President Barack Obama urged Congress Wednesday to vote "up or down" on sweeping health care legislation in the next few weeks, endorsing a plan that denies Senate Republicans the right to kill the bill by stalling with a filibuster." (NY Times 3/3/2010)

Republicans want you to die and an up-down vote will expose the specific ones who are out to kill you.

Under Bush-Bush-Reagan presidencies, we have seen anti-energy policies; doubling and redoubling of the national debt; and persistent deficits. Every financial action engaged in, by GOP politicians, was intended to reach in to your pocket and rob you blind. Note that they routinely overspend while lowering the taxes upon those who are in the best position to pay them -- the super-rich with surplus capital ... capital that is routinely "outsourced" to locations where you'll not be able to reach it -- when you finally admit you've been had.

Think about this:
Insurance firms like AIG are bailed out by taxpayers -- that is, taxpayers pay the claims made against the policies issued by these firms. At the same time, the executives utilize premiums to pay themselves multi-million (tax reduced) salaries and additional multi-million dollar bonuses (for ripping you - the taxpayer - off).

Every nation with national health care (not private executives robbing their people blind) pays half what we do for superior treatment -- and better outcomes. Gee, they don't have high school drop outs telling doctors they can't treat patients. As a result of denials, patients who could recover get worse and need extensive care. We have great extensive care -- you can die with the best technology and medical science has to offer. Companies (when they don't pass the cost to taxpayers) cover the extensive costs because -- in the long run -- it's cheaper than ongoing care that requires an expensive drug on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

Do I care? Should I care? NOPE! I'm over 65 and I HAVE FULL NATIONAL HEALTH CARE -- I don't care if you die because you are too stupid to want the coverage you provide to me, and the Members of Congress who will vote down coverage for you. They know that one in four Americans cannot think -- they will believe whatever conspiracy theory they are handed ... they will believe that the death panel is to be found in medical boards ... when it is actually they, the members of the GOP elite, who are the true death panel.

Sit back, laugh, and enjoy the show -- watch the GOP yell for fiscal constraint when it comes to helping you and fiscal extravagance when it comes to weapons designed to kill other humans ... watch for them to vote for denial of service Insurance Companies ... which ultimately means they voted to kill you ... Watch them move their wealth and manufacturing offshore and leave the rest of you to die. The GOP is a death panel.
There are GOP idiot supporter who will yell at my words. But there is an objective test. Look for those who deny the up=down vote; look for those who vote against you having health care comparable to that which the voter receives; look at the voting records of those individuals and see how much money they voted to spend on things which did not help you -- that did not provide education, health, roads, or police security -- you'll discover the truth. But fortunately for them -- you aren't interested in the truth -- all you want is nonsensical dogma that will expedite your journey to the grave.

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