Dr. Hagai Ben-Artzi, brother-in-law to Israel's Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, appears to be the Republican voice in Israel -- saying what the GOP would be too politically scared to proclaim ... That President Obama is an anti-Semite and that "In another year, you [Obama] will disappear. Who will remember you?"
Well, we remember Ronald Reagan -- he doubled the national debt and opposed a rational policy of energy self sufficiency .. he even tore the solar collectors off the White House. (It shames me to admit that Ronny was a friend of my dad & my dad helped him put together the team which organized New York State for the presidential run. On the other hand, Ronny did send mom a nice note when dad died, and included a formal Presidential Recognition Certificate recognizing my dad's service to the nation ... Wish it had been from a President who could be respected.)
Well, we remember George Bush (Bush 43) -- he doubled the national debt and removed Iraq as a source of oil ... thus driving the pump price of oil to $3.00 ... and securing for his dad multi-millions in Saudi no show speaker's & consultant's "fees"... Of course Bush went a step further and proclaimed the mastermind behind 9/11 -- a fellow we have even seen boast of his role -- to be "irrelevant" in the war on terror ... the relevant one was, of course, the guy who had nothing to do with 9/11 ... had no WMD ... and who kept Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons ... so Bush managed to get Saddam hung. Is the world now safer because of these two idiots ... who are best remembered for displaying their stupidity on the world stage?
In any case ... It would appear that the Prime Minister has an Evangelical Republican in his family ... pitty Israel ... if there are any more of them, that little nation is set for self-destruction.
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