Upon entering Congress in 1987, Representative Nancy Pelosi quickly became part of the solid California front against oil drilling along much of the nation’s coast. This is a position she held for twenty-one years and reiterated on July 17, 2008. Note that, on July 14, 2008 President George W Bush lifted the executive ban on offshore oil drilling. Note that Bush's actions were in direct response to John McCain's call (on June 15, 2008) for an end to the federal ban on offshore oil drilling. Senator Barack Obama made it clear he wanted ban to remain in place.
Supposedly McCain was "offering an aggressive response to high gasoline prices" -- but drilling would do nothing to lower the prices then, or now. The answer to supply and demand pricing is always to lower the demand -- whenever there is a cheaper alternative. In this nation, the alternative is wind and solar. The world will run out of oil -- by burning fossil fuels, we are polluting the air and causing global warming ... we need to address that! Curiously, the answer to global warming and peak oil (the point we have passed where oil supply is dwindling with no realistic possibility of doing anything but increasing the speed at which it is consumed ... The GOP resembles the fellow who notices his car fuel gage is almost on empty ... and knowing he lacks the fuel to get home at the legal speed ... drives faster in the belief that he can get there before the fuel runs out.
As This blog has repeated pointed out, the Republican party follows a doctrine of "THE MOST HARM TO THE MOST PEOPLE" -- the BP offshore debacle which now threatens the Florida Keys, and coastal ecosystems, is another example of what happens when you allow the GOP the freedom to implement its primary doctrine. it is very fortunate for the GOP that the American people are self-destructive and wish only the worst for themselves and everyone else in the world.
You will know them by their deeds -- by their acts -- by the actions that they implement … as opposed to the words they use. 2010 is an election year, and Americans can be counted upon to inflict upon themselves the most possible harm – look for a solid GOP outcome in November (unless we suddenly develop a touch of the old biblical “wisdom, knowledge and understanding” associated with the divine spirit … as the expression goes … fat chance, or when hell freezes over.)
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