Friday, April 25, 2014

Republicans HATE the Military

Seems strange to say “Republicans HATE the Military” – but it is the truth.  they are on record as opposing, and hating, National Health Care.  But The VA Hospital is a National Health Service dedicated to the military.  Moreover, it is a post-employment healthcare system.

Go to and you see a discussion of the Affordable Care Act which states: “The Affordable Care Act, also known as the health care law, was created to expand access to affordable health care coverage to all Americans, lower costs, and improve quality and care coordination. Under the health care law, people will have health coverage that meets a minimum standard (called "minimum essential coverage"). The health care law designates CHAMPVA as fulfilling "minimum essential coverage".”

So, effectively, CHAMPVA -- The Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs – is an ACA program and it covers spouses and dependent children.  But the Republicans have determined that those children are not entitled to purchase their own private coverage when they are no longer covered under their parent’s policy.

Worse, according to the Tea Party, those who provide essential military support services are not supposed to be entitled to coverage – this is especially true if they have a pre-existing condition.  If they happen to be female, than the Tea Party believes they should be charged more.

What are “essential military support services”?

Well, if you design computer apps which serve a military purpose – which, excluding some (but not all) games, is basically every piece of computer  software.  Of course most people do not recognize that that civilian program – the word processor, spreadsheet, graphics or that silly SKYPE communications style program is among those that have a solid military use ... but they do.

Then too there are those who make and transport the military weapons – clearly civilian, but yet they are in no way NOT military necessities.  Or food producers – “An Army runs on its stomach” … but the Republicans don’t think those who produce food are important.  At least they do not deserve the right to buy private insurance at an affordable price.

How about mechanics and vehicle manufacturers?

Where will the military be if there are no mechanics?  Sure they can train them – but who will do the training?  Are we going to import mechanics from foreign nations?  The same foreign nations that manufacture the vehicles?

Remember, the Republicans are opposed to immigration.

the real agenda – aside from their December 2013 attempt to default on the National Debt and cripple the nations credit standing or place as the international reserve currency – the real goal is to destroy the nation.

They want the support workers to be sick.  In the past this was not a problem – but now computerization has made it possible for small firms and independent workers to prosper, where in the past they needed the big firm.  We needed IBM, FORD, and GENERAL MOTORS.  But now firms like APPLE are platforms for things designed in a dorm room.  Those dorm room designs are the start-up firms which become the producers of the technology which allows improvement to targeting software and the tools to spy on the enemy.

These dorm room games become the training software which improve the efficiency of troops and save money training pilots – especially DRONE pilots.

The Republicans would prefer that these people die of some preventable and possibly medically trivial illness.

They will die because they don’t have the money to do to the doctor.

Death Over Life” – the Book of Revelation declares that, if the Republicans prevail in the 2014 midterm election, than Washington DC will fall.  Does it say “Washington”?  Of course not – it says BABYLON THE GREAT CITY.  Do you know of any city, other than Washington DC, which qualifies as the symbolic global power which was Babylon?

We have the Red Moon, Meteor Showers, Vials of Wrath (pollution of land, sea, air, drinking water) and all the diseases which can easily become major plaques.  We have all of the Book of Revelation elements – including the predicted time of 2000 years after Christ.

OK, so that is a Republican base – Christian Evangelical base – which they rely upon for funding and votes … but whose beliefs they reject … or, when they are supported, they rely upon to bring down the nation.

Death Over Life” – it is a reason to oppose affordable private healthcare access… as the Tea Party loves to demonstrate.

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