Years ago it was realized that people actually believed that Soap Opera characters were real. Eventually that gave way to, or spawned, “Reality TV”.
BONES concluded season nine [9 Ep. 24] with a national conspiracy involving the Senate and Judiciary – as well as the FBI. This reflects the Right-wing anti Obama, anti-Republican agenda which now dominates certain media outlets.
Given the established psychological effect of TV, we are now seeing something in drama which could result in a political effect come November 2014. The next season of BONES will be just in time to shape the election.
Imagine if the bad guys turn out to be the Tea Party – or can be construed to be party of that political agenda. Or, what if they are Democrats, maybe – given that the setup has the corruption going back 20 years – classic Reagan Republicans …
Given the events in the Ukraine … they could be Russian. But, if we want to justify killing more followers of Islam, they could be Middle Eastern, Pakistani, or any of a number of other forces.
There is also the possibility that those behind the events will remain unidentified and therefore can continue the plotline throughout the tenth season and allow the public to blame anyone they wish … in 2014, then 2016.
In any event … it is a very explosive time for a popular TV show to be introducing a plotline that can incite the dim-wits into rebellious action … especially when organized hate and deceit are already dominating political reality.
But it is NEAT! we get to see a real world psychological manipulation study which will have a real effect on the future of America. And few realize that future impact.
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