Thursday, May 29, 2014

Georgie Porgie Bush wins

“The Al Qaeda organization founded by Osama bin Laden still exists, but it has been supplanted as the world’s foremost jihadist force by a range of new groups across the Middle East and Africa.”

So, 13 years after Bush declares Bin Laden irrelevant to the War on Terror, al-Qaeda becomes irrelevant to the War on Terror.  Of course, had Obama not killed Bin Laden, we could say: Bin Laden won.  Bin Laden‘s goal was to bring the American economy to its knees – and he appears to have achieved that goal.

The latest figures show America has slipped backward – four years before Death Over Life projected it to happen.  Oh well, now The Tea Party has a better chance to win in November 2014.  Well, they have ben trying to derail the economy, this gives them a better chance – and they can look toward opening the flood gates to terrorist attacks in Europe.


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