Saturday, March 28, 2015

Anti-Semitism higher under republican Administrations


Anti-Semitism under Bush is over 60% greater than under Clinton.  But the shocker, it is 3-5 times (250-500%) greater under Bush-43 than under Obama.

The more Republican Evangelical you are, the more of a Christ Hater you become.  Remember, that the Messiah they profess to follow was first, and foremost, an Orthodox Jew – as were Peter, the foundation of “His Church” and Paul, who taught the “Gospel to the Gentiles” which the Republicans make it a point of honor to disobey.

"SAINT PAUL'S JOKE: 'The Punch Line's A Killer'" and the killing begins with those who are deceivers of men –- those Republican Tea party types who live by the sword, and so deny the aged, poor, and sick, but over fund the Military Industrial Complex to the tune of $605 BILLION a year … an amount that exceeds the combined total of all those supposedly both our friends and enemies: Britain, France, Spain, Russia, China and Saudis Arabia.  Moreover – the new Tea Party Budget wants to raise that amount … but cutting the money to the poor, elderly and sick.

Would a REAL Christian label them Anti-Christ?  YOU Bet!  They would be the first to point to the adage, “Live by the sword, die by the sword” and then point to the explicit commandments to Christians to FIRST care for the elderly, orphaned, poor and sick.   

As an American, aren’t you happy you DO NOT live in a Christian Nation?  It’s always better to serve Satan – which is probably why so many around the world deem America the Great Satan…

As for me, I’m just one of the many the Republicans wish to kill through their policies.


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