Saturday, March 7, 2015

Suicide Boomers and Current Patterns

Soldiers enter combat knowing they might die, and deciding the objective – or blind obedience – justifies their live and future.  Society labels it evidence of bravery and rewards it with posthumous medals that their families can … can what?  Use as a replacement for a lost child, husband, parent?

Google “SUICIDE” and you are told:

“The suicide rate expresses the number of suicide deaths that occur for every 100,000 people in the population for which the rate is reported. From 1986 to 2000, suicide rates in the U.S. dropped from 12.5 to 10.4 suicide deaths per 100,000 people in the population.”

You can continue and maybe find bar charts, like the one below, and be able to visualize the pattern over a period from 1981 to 2013:


Interesting?  Is it important, or somehow significant that the number remains in the 10-13 per 100,000 range?  Could it be relevant to the number of individuals who could be attracted to Murder by Suicide?

Are Suicide Bombs simply potential suicides who were, in a way, granted spiritual absolution by being convinced to become murderers?

A defensive military murders to protect their home and loved ones from the hateful or greedy acts of aggression of those who have no justification for existing.  Aggressive armies have nothing at home, so venture out and destroy.   YES, The Israelites of the Exodus were such an army – and they were following an ancient and well documented tradition of conquest … right down to the killing of the adults and children, but claiming those women who were without families.

Why kill the children?  They would be angered by the loss of their parents and any older siblings who died in the assault – plus they might be of an age where they had a loyalty to the land and culture that was being destroyed.

Taking the unmarried woman was practical – the invaders were generally males who were without women … a trait which marks all soldiers sent to kill in far off lands.  But invasion is not terrorism.  Invasion requires a way to establish oneself in enemy territory by killing as many of the enemy as possible … with minimal loss of life on the part of the invader.  Suicide missions are different.


Suicide without purpose – by age – might, in some way, reveal a purpose … is one evident in the above age based chart for 2000 to 2013?

Those who have passed what we might term the career establishment age (45), and are moving – boringly – into the age when they would enter retirement (64), might well deem their lives empty.  The issues of family, and children, are important.  They can live vicariously and spend their time in the routine job, but know they have children, possibly grandchildren, to spend time with.

At 45, those who started families in their early 20’s could already be, or might soon be, grandparents.  But those who are now in that growing demographic who do not have children have no-one except their spouse … and a growing number do not even have a spouse.  Plus: 45-64 is the age when they lose their parents, aunts and uncles.


After 64, a new life begins, new adventures are possible; it is also the period when there are grandchildren and there may be great-grandchildren – or they might be alone.  Males don’t handle being alone very well.  Males also experience high levels of stress … which might be something to explain why they are more suicide prone.

Suicide Bombers are predominantly male – except where females are suppressed, abused, treated like property, or are religious fanatics.



Where in the world do people kill themselves the most?

Naturally there is no data in regions where the fact of suicide terrorism is most real.  Europe doesn’t seem to be a very goo place to live – in America, those suicides come from those whose ancestry is associated with the high suicide nations … That implies a genetic element.


Whites are the largest number per 100,000 and also represent the highest suicide rate nations – so are the ones who probably promote death the most.  51% of their deaths are by gunshot – so the promotion of gun access by whites is consistent with their desire to die.

The racial indicators might explain the violence in Africa is not based on suicide – they tend toward slavery in the area of Nigeria.  The Inquisition in Spain began with a King from France – before that, Spain was peaceful and its history had it a safe haven for Jews (from the time of Solomon) and Islam.  The evils trace back to the same Terrorists we see today – they killed the Islamic group in Spain (who had ties to Persia and India’s Indus Valley), and are now killing the Islamic groups in the Middle East .

Suicide Bombers are simply idiots serving those with a long history of war and murder.  In terms of Islam, they are violating the Koran when they kill women and children in the marketplaces, or  those on pilgrimage to Mosques.   They violate the Koran when they impose Sharia Law that insists women cover themselves or travel accompanied by a male relative … anyone who has read the Koran KNOWS that law was imposed because of the very behavior we now associate with the terrorist … they were immoral 1400 years ago, they remain immoral today … and they are denounced by Islam.

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