Ted Cruz failed to endorse Trump -- thus failed to align with him, and allowed idiots in media to talk of a Cruz run against Hillary's re-election in 2020. The title of "President Ted Cruz: The 2016 Election and America's Future" would then need to be updated as the title for the sequel with addition things added.
Of course, Cruz will still be a Natural Born Canadian, and Constitutionally ineligible for the position of POTUS -- but that is beyond the shortsighted interest of the media.
Trump's favorite author stated and advised: "To pursue ideals which will still be of value and significance for the future is generally not a very profitable undertaking and he who follows such a course is only very rarely understood by the mass of the people, who find beer and milk a more persuasive index of political values than far-sighted plans for the future, the realization of which can only take place later on and the advantages of which can be reaped only by posterity. "
That the media is too dimwitted to understand the reality of existence -- thus rewards the shortsighted Republican demographic with the laughter that unifies them as they undermine the society and destroy that which they need to survive in old age -- that is the harsh misfortune of America.
But Trump has shown you can rise to the nomination for leadership... if you play to media stupidity and the greater stupidity of those traded by the Right wing.
But that's OK... it is why the 2014 prediction published in "Death Over Life: A Prophecy of America's Destruction" is being fulfilled.
And to think, we have yet to see the Democratic Convention. Then we have three months of more media gullibility and the election. That's three months of people yelling Hillary should be in jail ... and nobody demanding a program for running the nation, balancing the budget without putting the baby boom generation into poverty or destroying the world for their children and grandchildren. Obviously, rants about non-existent crimes are far more important than the continued existence of the nation once deemed The Leader of the Free World... but soon to be a third world nation with China taking the first slot, as ISIS commands control of the oil reserves, closes the valves, attacks Europe and sea levels submerge New York and Boston (plus London and other interesting spots).
2034 is the target date -- but nobody has the intelligence to think that far out, because, as the 20th-century author said, " the advantages of which can be reaped only by posterity. " Today's reports and the leaders they report on expect to be dead in twenty years... so why should they care?
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