Thursday, June 20, 2019

A next-gen phone we need

Cellphones have revolutionized life and caused the demise of the corner payphone.  But now we need the next generation WIRED PHONE --
Just as touchtone replaced the dial which replaced the partyline and central switchboard, we need the next-generation hard wired phone in the home...a phone which looks like a cellphone or smartphone... Has a screen, apps, and can be used as a wireless hotspot to serve the computers and tablets.
Phone companies already provide DSL and router boxes that work on the same kind as your standard traditional phone. 
But now they should combine the two and add the goodies that a smartphone provides -- which would include blocking apps to screen those idiotic robot-dial con artist.
It would also serve the in-home purpose/use of a smartphone...stuff you really don't need a computer for...But would like to do at a desk.

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