Saturday, December 26, 2020

published -- SATAN'S VOTE: Biden Your Time

OK!  On Christmas Day 2020 Book eleven in the Trump Card series was released -- SATAN'S VOTE: Biden Your Time 

Naturally, Joseph R Biden is part of the subject matter.

But there is also a great deal on Covid-19 as a Culling Virus and mention of things like Jonathon's POTUS COUSINS and the 4-Sisters justifications for both Trump's 2016 victory over Clinton, and then Biden's 2020 victory over Trump.

We are in a transitional era and the nation has decided that history prevails in the election.  But will the nation tolerate the repeated unsupported accusations against Trump while ignoring the clear and demonstrative evidence against Hiter Biden that implicates "daddy" or "the big guy" in a range of crimes?

Will we tolerate the continued abuse by Pelosi and Schumer?

And will we also ignore the GOP Swamp denizens as they promote the damage to the economy?

Why is America giving over a Billion Dollars to Egypt so that they will have the resources to buy Russian weapons?  And are we ready for the day when those weapons are used against Israel or America?

Why are we allowing the Swamp denizens to deny economic aid to Citizens?  How can we stand by and allow them to waste money sending it overseas while offering Citizens only $600 to stay alive and keep a roof over their head?

Trump has demanded $2000 NOW!...  While Biden has yelled that Trump should sign-off on the $600 and give the rest of the billions away.

Biden will give away the economy -- and we all knew this when we voted.  As we know, 81 Million said they want the global economy to be owned by China.  Biden is, as they also knew, the Manchurian Candidate.

Early in the Trump Card series, you were told that Trump wanted to stop this from happening.  You were told he wanted to divide the global economy between China and America -- because, since the Swamp denizens exported (outsourced our industries) America only produces agricultural products and China now produces the real products once controlled by America.

MSM attacked Trump for wanting America to be self-sufficient.

MSM will continue to attack Trump so that they can deflect from the crimes Biden is and will commit -- because those crimes strengthen China and weaken America.

Satan has Voted.

His servants have made themselves known.

If we are in the era of JUDGEMENT then they have shown, with their vote, that they are Satan's minions and how they are to be judged.  But that is for those who believe scripture and have to see the mathematical wisdom shown in Biblical Prophecy: Are we in the Revelation Era

Well, no matter.

It's 26 days until Biden-Harris Administration assumes control. 



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