Sunday, December 6, 2020

Will Biden survive the ZERO-YEAR CURSE


Look at the Presidents killed when their first term was after a zero-year election.  5 of 10... the rest had undeclared perpetual wars.

How will Biden fair?

He cannot die, that would place a non-POTUS Cousin -- a non-descendant of the 4-Sisters -- in the Oval... and that means the end of the nation.

So who do we go to war against?  

And will that trigger the Apocalypse which is due in 2033?  

Biblical Prophecy: Are we in the Revelation Era?

The Next book in the Trump Card series,  SATAN's VOTE, is due out soon.  Covid-19 and the death of the Silent and Boomer generations take up a bit of space in it.

We are in interesting times... which is the classic Chinese Curse "May you live in interesting times."  Has China cursed America?

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