Tuesday, August 11, 2015

SNAP & Fiscal Responsibility

Difference between Right-wing Republican and Leftist Democrat.
If both are on SNAP.
The SNAP buys the Democrat bug repellent and bug/ant killer.  the Republican has to steal cash to buy the same things.
This also applies to many all-purpose household cleaners.

Why the difference?
The right-wing Republicans believe in harming the planet and using dangerous and costly chemicals.
The left-wing Democrat is "Green", believes in saving the planet and using things which are safe for the environment.
Therefore, the Left-winger uses coffee grounds and vinegar and various other foodstuffs to address common household issues -- all of which can be bought on SNAP using the EBT card (they also eat better because they don't buy expensive Pork [loaded with deadly and brain/intelligence killing saturated fat] instead they buy cheaper nutritious food ... which saves money for things used to do the household stuff).

Funny thing there -- the money the right-wing non-SNAP recipient wastes on chemicals and bad foods also goes to hurting hurting their health ... but they oppose, and therefore are without, health coverage ... so pay to hurt themselves, then pay again to treat the hurt so they can continue to hurt themselves.

Meantime, the left-winger discovered that many veggies they buy on SNAP can be eaten and, if properly prepared, yields seeds and roots that will grow, providing more food (free) without impacting their SNAP budget.

HUM "Fiscal Responsibility"  right-verses-left.  Who'd have thought.    

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