Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christmas Full Moon and the Star of David Pattern

If you read GENESIS OF GENESIS, you might recognize something:
Next Xmas full moon in 19 years, last was 38 years ago, total 57 years .. or the count of the Stonehenge stones where first and last are same. (Count 56 stones and 57th is one you started with.)

It is also the STAR OF DAVID as shown to be laid out in the secondary stones, hence the cover of the book.

Granted, they didn't know from what we call Xmas, they just knew the pattern had significance in their calendar and ability to render periodic cycles in the heavens. But they knew it 6000-years ago, and figured it, and related stuff, was worth the time and energy to build that monument ... and many more ... then encode it into what became the opening chapter of a dippy book called the Bible.

Note the pattern contained on the book cover illustration.
The alternating Hebrew Letters/Numbers -- 
Two Cycles and then One cycle.
Also not how it fits the Egyptian.

It is safe to pronounce that NO OTHER BOOK, written/publishedPUBLISHED by a different author, makes the connection from Stonehenge to the Book of Genesis, and then goes on to demonstrate the fact that the modern and universally utilized Calendar is actually the Hebrew Calendar (albeit improved and perfected since the 1600's).   

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