Monday, December 21, 2015

President Ted Cruz -- a Canadian seeks to be POTUS

Interesting: The FIRST post to the "President Ted Cruz: The 2016 Election and America's Future" book related Facebook page was in April 2014, but Crux didn't announce for the POTUS job until a year later, on March 23rd, 2015.

Gee, the book was a year ahead of the announcement and that explains why Cruz later announced he was resigning from his Canadian Citizenship. It might also explain when taken in conjunction with "THE TEA PARTY: America Upended", most of his approach to the process -- especially why he treads so lightly why dealing with Donald Trump (an ardent TRUTHER/BIRTHER).
The race to the bottom, which is the Republican primary process, is marked by hateful, divisive rhetoric, and bigotry which is punctuated by calls to go to war.
As of today, 21 December 2015, we're only 10 days from 2016 and ten moths from the 6 October deadline mandated by the pattern which Evangelicals associate with the Fall of Washington -- generally referred to as the modern Babylon the great city and dominant force for violence through the post-World War Two history of modern human history.

It would be interesting to see a Natural Born Canadian run for POTUS, and see if an irate Donald Trump institutes a federal lawsuit to force SCOTUS into deciding the validity of that run.  

If not the cowardly Trump (his silence on the matter demonstrates his cowardice) than the DNC will need to file; SCOTUS will await the electoral outcome before deciding if nullification is in order.

PRESIDENT Ted Cruz -- yet another example of the Tea Party hatred for America and the Laws embodied in the Constitution.

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