Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Pope Francis is Fulfilling 900 year old prediction.

AH YES.  SAINT PAUL'S JOKE {22 September 2012} once again proves to have supported a correct prediction. 

Pope Francis declares evolution and Big Bang theory are real and God is not 'a magician with a magic wand'

As many might know, Francis became Pope on 13 March 2013.  What few know, his predecessor ordered a retirement villa prepared in September 2012 -- after the Vatican spent nearly a year reviewing multiple pre-publication copies of SAINT PAUL'S JOKE.

The book details the historic timeline of Jesus and Paul -- that is the DOCUMENTED period timeline, matched to known events that corres[pond to those described in the Biblical Story, in which they fit.

The GOSPEL TO THE GENTILES is the "Joke" on modern Christians.  Jesus told us who to look for -- the false prophets who, along with their followers, he would deny knowing, and refuse to defend on Judgment Day.  We know them as the Evangelicals and Televangelists who continually use the identified trigger phrase "In His Name".  It is required that evil self-identify; in that way its followers become personally liable for their actions.

Francis is the 266th Pope of the official sequence -- the 112th in the Prophecy of the 112 Popes.  Born Jorge Mario Bergoglio, on 17 December 1936, in Flores, Buenos Aires, Argentina ... Francis is the Pope who, while he travels, will witness the destruction of Rome -- probably due to a volcanic eruption which buries the city (like ancient Pompeii).

Pope Benedict XVI formally resigned on 28 February 2013 -- many hold that his historic action of retirement -- rather than death in office -- was actually an attempt to manipulate the prophecy.



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