On Saturday, April 13th, I blogged: “THE FORWARD muffles valid opinion”. It is now May 2nd and articles are beginning to appear in which Israeli citizens are saying the say thing – Stone Throwing is Terrorism, and stones are chosen because the Terrorists know they will be protected by the warped, and self-destructive, morals of the politicians.
Consider the ARUTZ Sheva newsletter for Thursday, May 2 '13, Iyar 22, 5773; specifically article “6. Widow of Terror Victim: If the State Doesn't Respond, We Will”. Here we are told: “Tzofia Borovsky, the widow of Evyatar Borovsky who was murdered by a terrorist at the Tapuach Junction on Tuesday, is calling on the State of Israel to respond to the terror attack which killed her husband. … It makes no sense that the State cannot guard the residents of Judea and Samaria.” She also noted that “an official response by the State to the terror attack would be best, but if there is no response from the State, there will be a response on our part."
On Wednesday, May 1st, iconic nationalist activist Baruch Marzel said that the only way to deal with terrorismis to kill terrorists.
“This terrorist should never even have reached the hospital,” he said. “We need to educate our soldiers and police officers that the State of Israel has no interest in keeping a terrorist alive. A living terrorist is a burden – he gets medical treatment, dozens of police officers guard him, the medical system invests in him the amounts of money it doesn’t have to invest in other people.”
Marzel concluded, stating: “This despicable murder was the direct result of inadequate action on rock-throwing terrorism, of opening the checkpoints, and of treating daily terrorist attacks as ‘disturbances.’”
The Terrorists clearly know they are immune from any response. It is the weakness of the Israeli government –- their political saving-of-face – that is allowing innocent people to be murdered. They see too stupid to understand that a rock is a lethal weapon … once used by Jews in Israel to enforce the death penalty on criminals. Therefore, it would appear that the Israeli Government holds its citizens to be criminals warranting execution in the traditional manner.
I’m not opposed to Arabs, nor do I believe them to all be evil. Those who are asserting Jihad are violating their own Koran. Jihad can only be launched when ISA returns and leads them against evil doers (generally specified, or identified, as evil Christians of the type identified in “Saint Paul’s Joke”, and willfully violate Paul’s mandate for Gentile converts to either be celebrate, or have sex only in marriage … and, regardless of sexual activities, to OBEY ALL THE JEWISH LAWS!)
Fortunately -- for those who actually read and understand what was said, as detailed in “Saint Paul’s Joke”, most Christians (as Gandhi so nicely acknowledged when he said Christianity was a great religion, which nobody followed) haven’t the brains necessary to read and understand … in Biblical terms, they lack the “Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding” which comprises three parts of the Divine Spirit.
Article 7. Terrorists Should be Put to Death, Says Nationalist Activist … the header says it all. It the Haredi Religious leadership actually read the Torah, they would see that it mandates the death penalty. But they don’t get it. They don’t understand “Saint Paul’s Joke”; they don’t know the information (ancient knowledge known at the time of the Second Temple and to the Jewish historian Josephus) in “Grandpa Was A Deity”; they cannot comprehend the data in “The Genesis of Genesis”; and they are too thin witted to even read the short version presented in “Charting the Patriarchs”
OK, so, as usual, I have written what others were thinking – and published it before their thought can to the surface. In “Saint Paul’s Joke”, I announced the end of the Catholic Church, and thus the end to the basis for all Christianity … a prediction made by St. Malachy.
Malachy predicted 112 Popes – the last being a new ‘Peter of Rome’. The Vatican asked for, and received, multiple copies of the unpublished version of “Saint Paul’s Joke”, and when it was published – within three months, Pope Benedict resigned so that his only competition in the Papal election, Francis I, could be installed.
The obvious goal was to break Malachy’s winning streak. But that isn’t how prophecy works. Historically, Francis I can be termed an anti-Pope. there is a lawful succession of the successors of Saint Peter – it remains unbroken … the previous Pope MUST DIE before his successor can be elected. When Benedict XVI dies, the Cardinals will need to reconvene and again elect Francis I – or Francis I remains an anti-Pope, and invalid in terms of Malachy.
But, in this instance, Malachy did not just describe the final Pope, he envisioned the destruction of Rome (certainly the destruction of the Vatican which stood for Rome in Malachy’s time). This brings us back to the Terrorists and Jihad.
The terrorists can destroy the Vatican in the same way they took down the twin towers of the World Trade Center. The bombing in February 26, 1993 failed, but, the 9/11 attack succeeded. Neither New York, nor even America, should be the Terrorist Target. The prophecy of Nostradamus -- which called for the destruction of the man-made mountains of the New City – has been fulfilled. There are no more prophecies affecting America … unless we consider those natural disasters described by Edgar Cayce and predicted in the Hopi Legends. Italy, and, specifically, the Vatican, are the only targets remaining for those Jihadist elements who feel they are doing the work of Allah. As they may well be … though those works are not the positive elements of Islam which are mandated, as St Paul did, that Laws and “The People of the Book”, be revered and respected … with any action taken against the circumcised being forbidden to Gentiles, and subsequently, Muslims. For reasons dealt with in prior books, and to be specifically discussed in the next notebook in the series, anti-Semites are anti-Christ … and the famed ‘Number of the Beast’ actually refers to the naming description associated with the justification for the name of one of the Patriarchs. (but you’ll learn more about that when the Second Notebook is published … the first notebook being “Charting the Patriarchs”.
Have fun oh ye faithful … the time of knowledge draws near … or does it? We’ll see … look to the Vatican.
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