Edward Joseph Snowden, born June 21, 1983, has gained a page on Wikipedia for releasing the fact that the NSA, the United States Government, has been doing what Batman did in DARK KNIGHT – only he turned the cellphones into scanning sonar devices, which permitted him to spy on every resident of Gotham City.
Knowing that fiction was now reality, Snowden -- a US former technical contractor for the National Security Agency (NSA) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employee -- leaked details of top-secret US and British government mass surveillance programs.
Is he a criminal, or a hero? What is wrong with someone confirming that fiction has become reality?
It is only a basic variation on George Orwell’s 1984. For that matter, it is not that much different than what the Republicans have been doing for decades – intruding into the private lives of strangers, without any there being any social good as a result.
Jihadists are engaged in the same process as Republicans.
They both want to destroy without benefit. What if they won? In America, Republicans would make the very rich richer, and enslave everyone else. Republicans promote debt which must be paid by others – they are opposed to all the Jesus mandated, and therefore are backed by the Evangelical Christians (who also reject biblical teachings).
It is a growing reality in Syria
within the Arab Emirates
Enjoy it
You have worked hard to encourage it!
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